Assets / Assets / IT Asset Manager
Assets / Enterprise Assets / IT Asset Manager
Assets / Telecom Assets / Telecom Management

Migrating Telecom Data Developed in Archibus Client/Server to Web Central

Archibus Client/Server Telecom users will find that the Web Central Telecom Console provides the connectivity and tracing features previously available only in the Client/Server environment. The Web Central Telecom features use fewer tables and a different connection methodology than Client/Server. Therefore, users who want to use the telecom data developed in Client/Server with the Web Central Telecom Console will need to migrate their data to the Web Central format.

Archibus has developed workflow rules and LISP routines for converting database tables and CAD drawings that adhere to the standard Archibus schema. If you have customized the schema, you must work with an Archibus Business Partner to adjust the provided routines to meet your needs.

Note the following about the conversion routines:

Warning: Before running these routines, verify that you have not customized the telecom hierarchy, the telecom inventory tables, or the operation of the connection feature. If you have made customizations, consult an Archibus Business Partner for help with the migration.

Warning: Before running these routines on your production database and floor plan drawings, run them on test databases and drawings and review the converted drawings and database records. In general, as with all data migrations, check your data for consistency and integrity before migrating.

Note: Beginning with V.25.1, Archibus Client/Server has been discontinued.


The process involves converting drawing and data assets. The basic steps are:

Prerequisite: Make a back-up of your database and floor plan drawings.

  1. From Web Central, migrate the database records by running the AbCommonResources-BasicRules_TelecomDataMigration Basic rule. See
  1. From the SmartClient Extension for AutoCAD, run the provided AutoLisp program for converting Client/Server-format asset symbols to Web Central-format asset symbols.
  1. Publish the updated floor plans as enterprise graphics.

Which Telecom Assets are Migrated?

Assets that require no migration

The following telecom elements remain the same in Web Central and require no migration.

Assets that are not migrated

The Web Central system does not use the following tables. There is currently no migration path for these tables.

Assets that are migrated

The routines migrate the following Client/Server elements. A field-by-field mapping is provided in Migrating Telecom Data: Field Reference.

This Client/Server table migrates to ... this table in Web Central
Network Devices Equipment
Network Device Standards Equipment Standards
Network Device Ports Equipment Ports
Punch Blocks Patch Panels
Punch Block Standards Patch Panel Standards
Punch Block Positions Patch Panel Ports
Cards Equipment
Card Standards Equipment Standards
Card Ports Equipment Ports
Connections table (afm_tccn) corresponding fields in the Jacks, Equipment, Equipment Ports, and Patch Panel Ports tables