Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD

The Archibus Drawing Environment and Views

As you edit, create, and query asset symbols, the Archibus Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD accesses the appropriate view and if necessary, present the view's asset table and active fields. When working with drawing tools, you do not need to explicitly open views; when necessary, the drawing tool opens the appropriate view for you.

Setting the Current View

Several actions set the current view:

Changing the Current View

The current view continually changes as you select asset symbols for use with the Edit Data and Edit Data Multiple commands, run the Set Asset Layer command, choose tasks from the Navigator, and run the layer commands. The view set by these commands remains in effect until the next time you execute one of these commands.

For example, if you set the Equipment asset layer with the Set Asset Layer command, you load the Equipment view. If you next issue the Edit Data command on a room asset symbol, you activate the Rooms view shown in the Edit Data dialog.

See Also

Working with Drawing Layers

Edit Data

Edit Data Multiple

Set Asset Layer