What's New in Archibus V.2022.03?

Space Console: Search and Export (UserVoice Idea)

We are continuing to adjust the Space Console based on your feedback. Accordingly, we have applied some of the simple-to-use features of the new View and Print Floor Plan view to the Space Console.

Quick Search Results are Grouped

Like View and Print Floor Plan, the Space Console now groups search results according to the field that holds the search value. For example, if you execute the quick search feature and enter "office," you will receive a list of floors that have "office" as part of their rooms' assigned department, room category, room type, room name, and so on; the list groups these floors according to the field with this value. Click on an item in the list, such as a department, and you receive a list of all floors that have rooms assigned to this department.

PDF Export

We have simplified exporting to PDF with a new PDF Export command, which operates the same as it does in the new View and Print Floor Plan view. The PDF Export command, located in the Export drop-down menu, replaces the "Generate Ad Hoc PDF Report" command. The changes include:


Help Topics

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