What's New in Archibus V.2022.03?

Space: View and Print Floor Plan (UserVoice Idea)

While the Space Console is a powerful tool that can manage both space and occupancy, we have received feedback that non-facilities management staff, such as an office administrator needing to print a floor plan, desire a simpler and more streamlined tool. In response to this feedback, Archibus V.2022.03 introduces the View and Print Floor Plan view. This read-only view is a simplified version of the Space Console and is handy for occasional Archibus users who need to search for floor plans, highlight them, and then print their highlighted floor plans by exporting them to PDF.

As with the Space Console, the View and Print Floor Plan view can highlight floor plans to show hotelable rooms, department and division assignment, room type and standard, and so on. It includes a legend of the highlight colors and options for controlling the layers and labels that the floor plan displays.

You can select from the list a floor plan to display, or search for floors meeting specified criteria. The view offers a unique Smart Search based on a search type. You can search on all search types (location, department, division, employee, and so on), or select one of these search types to focus your search. The above image shows a drop-down list of available search types, with Room Type as the selected search type. The user searched on "lab"; accordingly, the floor list shows all floors that have rooms designated as labs.

If you select the "All" option, the view groups the search results according to search type. For example, as shown in the below image, if you set to All and enter "develop," the search returns floor plans that have divisions, departments, buildings, campuses, and so on with "develop" as part of their name; the results are grouped by search type value. You can then click on an entry, such as the "Research and Development" division, to see the floor plans that have rooms assigned to this division.

Once you set the floor plan to show the information that you want to see, you typically want to print it and distribute to others. The PDF Export button exports the floor plan to a PDF document. In the resulting PDF, the floor plan occupies the majority of the space and includes a footer with key information about the floor plan, such as the date, floor name, and so on. ​


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