Show a hierarchy tree

Technologies > User Interface Add-Ins > Tree Views > Hierarchical Tree - CSI codes

This example displays the hierarchical structure of the csi table. The csi table contains a hierarchical trace field, csi.hierarchy_ids. This field gives the position of the record in the hierarchy, using the csi_id of each tier, separated by vertical bars, "|", to define the hierarchical structure. The top level is "0|". By expanding the top level node, the children of "0|%|" are dynamically generated, and so on. Clicking the node's label will display the csi record details.

<dataSource id="simpleHierTreeCsi_ds">
    <table name="csi" role="main"/>
    <field table="csi" name="csi_id"/>
    <field table="csi" name="description"/>
    <field table="csi" name="hierarchy_ids"/>

<panel type="hierTree" ...

Show a tree 

Example 1: http://localhost:8080/archibus/schema/ab-products/solutions/parts/tree/ab-ex-simple-hierarchy-tree.axvw

Example 2: http://localhost:8080/archibus/schema/ab-products/solutions/parts/tree/ab-ex-simple-hierarchy-tree-csi.axvw