Show a tree

Technologies > User Interface Add-Ins > Tree Views > Simple Tree - Departments by Division

When a selection panel is best viewed as a tree, the tree panel may be used. Set the panel type to tree. Generally, a top-level tree panel is defined, with lower-level panel(s) defined within the top-level panel.

Tree control nodes display the + icon to expand children nodes only if the parent nodes actually have children nodes. Parent nodes without children do not display the + icon

Define a separate data source for each level of the tree:

<!-- top-level data source -->
<dataSource id="simpleTreeDpxdv_dv_ds">
    <table name="dv" role="main"/>
    <field table="dv" name="dv_id"/>
     <field table="dv" name="name"/>
<!-- second-level data source -->
<dataSource id="simpleTreeDpxdv_dp_ds">
    <table name="dp" role="main"/>
     <field table="dp" name="dp_id"/>
    <field table="dp" name="name"/>

<panel type="tree" dataSource="simpleTreeDpxdv_dv_ds" ...>
    <panel type="tree" dataSource="simpleTreeDpxdv_dp_ds"...>


View: http://localhost:8080/archibus/schema/ab-products/solutions/parts/tree/ab-ex-simple-tree-dpxdv.axvw