Database Update Wizard

Validate Schema

To prevent problems when updating or exporting the schema, you can check the current schema for issues that violate schema best practices.

The Database Update Wizard's Validate Schema action runs a script that checks the current schema for the below "best practice" rules and alerts you to schema issues that do not follow these rules. You can then fix these issues before updating the schema or transferring out the current schema.

It is good practice to validate the schema:


  1. Open the Database Update Wizard, click Run Script, and choose Next. This brings you to the Script screen.

  2. Click Validate Schema.

  3. The Database Update Wizard runs the db-validation/schema-validation.duw script.

  4. The script presents its results in the Messages Log window for you to review and address.

Schema "Best Practice" Rules

The Validate Schema action categorizes issues as:

ERROR Displayed in red color, these rules are critical and all tables and fields should obey those rules. Archibus applications and Web Central may stop working properly if these rules are violated.
WARN These rules are considered important and it is recommended that you fix these issues.
INFO These are harmless rules, but for the sake of consistency, the action returns this information.

The Validate Schema action checks the schema for these "best practice" rules.

Rule Error Level Description

PK not found


Table/View has no primary key.

Size too big


Size >4000(Oracle) chars (8000 for MSSQL).

Odd elements in enum_list.


There is a missing key or value in enum_list. There should be an even number of keys and values in the enum_list.

Default value does not match enumeration


Default value is not found in enumeration keys.

Missing fields for table


Detected a table with no fields defined.

afm_flds_lang is missing field


Missing field in afm_flds_lang.

Wrong FK definition


Data_type/size do not match with referenced field.

Null default for enumeration


Default value = null for enum_list.

Enumeration field allows null


An enumeration field has allow_null=1.

PK allows null


PK should not allow null.

PK as varchar


PK should be CHAR or NUMERIC.

PK wrong string_format


String PK should be uppercase.

PK wrong num_format


Numeric PK should be defined as NoSeparator.

No default value for numeric


Numeric fields should have a default value.

Numeric field allows null


Numeric fields should not allow null and have a default value.

Size too big for char


Detects chars with size > 64

No decimals


Need to define a decimal for types Numeric, Float, Real, Double.

See Also

Database Update Wizard Overview