Archibus and Serraview Integration
Story 1: Operational Considerations
(Export Archibus Data to Serraview and Send Data Back to Archibus)
Note these special requirements and precautions for a smooth integration when transferring Archibus space inventory data to Serraview and back to Archibus.
Room Categories
Room category transfer is not an automated process. Therefore, in the near term you must manually or through a separate process maintain room categories and room types as space types in Serraview.
When you introduce new room categories or types into Archibus, add the corresponding space types to Serraview. If the corresponding space types are not in Serraview, then rooms assigned to those new space types will be assigned a default classification in Serraview until the new types are entered and synchronization occurs.
Room Capacity
When Archibus exports rooms to Serraview, the mapping rule for Employee Capacity (rm.cap_em
) is:
- If the room is occupiable, then set the "workpoints" field in Serraview to the value of the employee capacity field from Archibus.
- If the room is not occupiable, then set the "seats" field in Serraview to the value of the employee capacity field from Archibus.
In Archibus, total employee capacity is the sum of all of what Serraview would call a workpoint or seat in the room. Conference rooms are defined as occupiable, but have a seat count of 0 in the inventory. Archibus stores seat counts for conference rooms separately, within Reservations. Therefore, when Serraview imports a conference room , it has 0 seats and 0 workpoints. Thus, Serraview users may need to modify the conference room seat value manually.
Rooms within Rooms
Rooms within rooms not supported in Serraview's Floor Plan Importer.
See also
Story 1 Overview: Add Serraview Space Planning & Optimization to an Archibus Deployment