System / Add-in Manager

Add Field Task

System-level users can use the System / Add-In Manager / Add Fields task to add a field to an existing table. You cannot use this task to add fields that are primary keys, foreign keys, or that have Not Null restrictions.

After processing the dialog that specifies the properties of the new field, the system does the following:

For complete information on the Archibus Fields table, see Archibus Fields Table.

To add a field

  1. Select System / Add-In Manager / Add Fields task.

    The Add Field to Table form appears.

  2. Enter the following required information:
    • Table Name: Choose the table (from the Archibus Tables table) to which you are adding a field.
    • Field Name: Enter the (internal) name of the field you are adding. Use the ellipsis button to see the fields that already exist in the current table; you cannot choose these existing field names for your new field.
    • Data Type. Select a data type for this field. Each field you create is of a particular data type as understood by the SQL server program and Archibus. The possible data types are:
      • Char-- A fixed width character data, often used for the "Code" fields. You can use the Size field to set the maximum storage width for a field having the Char data type.
      • Numeric -- An exact precision decimal number with "Size" specifying the total digits, and "Decimals" the number of digits after the decimal points.
      • Integer -- A signed integer, often used for counts. You can use the Size field to set the maximum storage width for an integer.
      • Date -- A calendar date having a year, month, and date (ranging from the year 0001 to the year 9999).
      • Time -- A time of day with hour, minute, second, and fractional seconds.
      • Varchar -- A variable character field, often used for Description, Name, and Memo fields.

    Note: You cannot use this task to enter a field of data type small integer.

  3. Add the following information as needed:
    •  Size. Specifies the maximum data storage width of the data in fields used for Char, Numeric, and Integer data types. The system fills in the size when you select the Data Type. For Char, Numeric, Integer, and Varchar fields, you can change the default value the system enters. For the Time and Date data types, the system automatically enters the correct data storage width in the Size field. so you are not able to change it.

      The program also uses this value for:

      • Formatting all numeric fields.
      • Determining the initial width of character fields.
      • Specifying the maximum number of characters in a memo field.
    • Decimals. If you have selected a numeric data type, enter the number of decimal places you would like the field to have (from 0 to 4). Numeric fields use this to determine the data storage size of the field. While other numeric types have a fixed data storage size, they still use this value to determine how to format numeric values for display.
    • Field Heading. Presents the heading used to display the field in table-format edit forms and reports. The maximum storage length for this field is 128 characters. If you want the heading to appear on multiple lines, be sure to enter the value as multiple lines by using the Enter key to separate lines.
    • Comments. Enter general comments or notes about the new field.
    • String Format. This option is active if you selected a character (char or varchar) data type above. Select one of the following:
      • AnyChar -- Means any character in any case.
      • Upper -- Means any character in uppercase for code fields.
      • UpperAlpha-- Means alpha characters in uppercase for code fields.
      • UpperAlphaNum -- Means alphanumeric characters in uppercase for code fields.
      • Numbers -- Means only numbers.
      • MultiLine -- Is used for comment fields, which are edited in-place in the grid, and formatted in the same group band as the rest of the record data within reports.
      • Mask –. Indicates a masked field – a field that typically has a format for editing strings, such as "NNN-NNN-NNNN" for phone numbers.

        Note: The Add Field task is a simplified form that does not support custom Masks for added fields. Since you cannot specify the Edit Mask format from the Add Field task, a field given the Mask String Format will function as if it is of type AnyChar. However, the Add-In Manager can use the System / Add-In Manager / Edit Archibus Data Dictionary task to define the actual edit mask format.

      • Memo: Indicates a memo field.
    • Numeric Format - If the field you are adding has a data type of Numeric or Integer, you use this field to select the numeric format. You can select:
      • Default-- Displays the number in the default format.
      • Budget Currency. Displays the number in the Budget Currency
      • NoSeparator. For auto-numbered fields like Work Request Number (wr_id), displays the number without punctuation, such as omitting the comma in 10,000.
      • Area. Displays the field as an area.
      • Length. Displays the field as a length.
      • Payment Currency: Display the number in the Payment Currency.
  1. Click Save.

    When you click Save, the Schema Change Wizard updates the table to include this new field.

See Also

What Constitutes a Structural Change to the Database?

How to Add a Field to the Data Dictionary

Archibus Fields Table

Edit Archibus Data Dictionary