Creating a Hierarchical Validation Table

To use a dynamic hierarchy:

Hierarchical Validating Tables

The validating table has:

A typical validating table would be a CSI Uniformat table:

Primary Key Hierarchy Ids Description
A A| Substructure
A10 A|A10| Foundations


Standard Foundations
A1020 A|A10|A1020| Special Foundations
A1030 A|A10|A1030| Slab on Grade
A20 A|A20| Basement Construction
A2010 A|A20|A2010| Basement Excavation
A2020 A|A20|A2020| Basement Walls
B B| Shell
B10 B|B10| Superstructure
B20 B|B20| Exterior Enclosure

Hierarchy Format

The characteristics of the hierarchy are as follows:

The following topics discuss the hierarchy tree panel:

Show a hierarchy tree

Show a concatenated hierarchy tree