Data Event Workflow Rule Classes

There are two workflow rule classes of type DataEvent:

These two workflow rules are disabled by default.


The LoggerDataEvent workflow rule is shipped with the AbSystemAdministration application:

By default, this is not active. You must enable the Data Event Logging workflow rule.

When a user uses the Smart Client or a Web Central form to change a record in one of the listed tables, the callback workflow rule logs the update to the database event log. Because changes to a parameter value will be visible to any workflow rule immediately, altering an application parameter allows Business Process Owners to enable or disable specific Data Change event listeners without needing to ask the System Integrator to restart the app server.

A DataRecord change event uses the following rules for logging event parameters:

For a direct SQL event, the workflow rule has to determine if the event changed the data (versus a read event). If the SQL contains one of the following, the rule logs all event parameters.

The LoggerDataEventListener logs old values if the user changed a primary key value and did not use direct SQL.

The LoggerDataEventListener logs all event parameters to the afm_data_event_log table. See Viewing the Data Change Event Log.

If your particular usage requires alternate features, you can modify the default listener. If you log memo fields, you should also adjust how you store the data to the logging table (afm_data_event_log), either by expanding the size of the fields holding the old and new values or logging the memo fields to different tables (as some servers have limits to the length of any single record that is stored, so you may not be able to store the old value and the new values in the same record).


The Workspace Transactions features of Space Management also make use of Data Change event logging.

We ship class RoomTransactionService in the AbSpaceRoomInventoryBAR application, which is used by:

The associated application parameter UseWorkspaceTransactions governs this feature and indicates whether or not to record a history of all space-related changes.

Use the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Enable Workspace Transactions task to turn on the workspace transaction feature. Doing so enables several processes in the Level 4 – Process Owner and application Licensee roles. Doing so also enables the Room Transactions Data Change event listener.

Using Extensions for AutoCAD, the Extensions for Revit, the Smart Client grid, or a Web Central form, insert, change (Division and Department), or delete a record.

The Workspace Transactions table (rmpct) shows:

See Also

Data Change Events: Overview