Space / Space Inventory

Drawing Name and Detail Drawing Fields (Concept)

The Drawing Name (dwgname) field is stored in the database record for an asset. This field holds the name of the drawing that has the polylines that represent the asset. For example, a room's database record would have the Drawing Name for the floor plan drawing if that drawing has the polylines for the room. The program completes the Drawing Name field when you link a drawing entity to a record. The Drawing Name (dwgname) field is in all asset tables.

The Drawing Name is the drawing for the location that is above the asset in the location hierarchy. The following are examples of the Drawing Name that could be used for specific database records:

Using Detail Drawings to Drill Down

In addition to the Drawing Name field, some entities also have a Detail Drawing associated with their database record. This detail drawing is a CAD drawing, with a .DWG extension, that details that entity. These detail drawings can be used to create an entire location hierarchy of assets that you might want to drill down through.

For example, the use of Detail Drawings to drill down is used in the Space Book mobile app. Drawing buildings on a site plan enables the users of the Space Book mobile app to drill down from sites plans to floor plans. If a site plan is available, mobile users can select the Map View button to switch from viewing a list of buildings to see the site plan drawing. If the site plan includes the building polylines, they can then click a building on the site plan to see a list of its floors. Selecting a floor from the list shows its floor plan drawing. See Developing Locations (Step 1 Develop Sites).

The database records for the following entities include the Detail Drawing field:

Table Field Name
Buildings bl.detail_dwg
Cities city. detail_dwg
Countries ctry.detail_dwg
Floors fl .detail_dwg
Net Devices netdev.detail_dwg
Punch Blocks pb detail.dwg
Patch Panels pn detail.dwg
Properties property.detail_dwg
Sites site.detail_dwg
States state.detail_dwg