Capital Projects / Projects / Execute
Capital Projects / Commissioning / Design

Adding and Viewing Communication Logs

Using the Management or Commissioning Consoles, you can create communication logs to record the communications that you have had concerning a project. For example, the logs can be used to attach amended or finalized contracts, to record that contracts have been signed and mailed, or to record project status notes.

From any of the communication log views - My Communication Logs, Communication Logs by Date and Time, Communication Logs by Action, and Communication Logs by Action Type - you can:

From the Management Consoles Communicate task or from the Commissioning Console, you can:

Creating Communication Logs

Note: You are not able to edit a communication log after it is saved, so be sure to enter all necessary data when creating the log.

To create a communication log :

  1. Select the project that you want to enter a communication log for.
    The Management Console appears with the Communicate/Assign Team tabs selected.
  2. Select the My Communications Logs tab, and click Add New in the My Communication Log panel.

    The Add Communications Log form appears. The date and time for the communication log are filled in with the current date and time.

  3. Enter the following required field:

    Comm. Log Code: A unique identifier for the log.

  4. Click Save and Next.
  5. Enter the following recommended fields:

    Communication Type: If you select a type, you can view the log in the Logs by Type tab. The type helps to identify the purpose of the communication.

    Action Item ID: Select the action item for this communication. If you select an action item, you are able to view the log in the Logs by Action tab.

  6. Enter the following fields as needed:

    Contact Code: Select the vendor for this action.

    Priority: Select a priority for this communication.

    Document: Click the Check In New Document button next to this field to locate and select a document that you want to attach to this communication.

    Summary and Description fields: Type in these fields to add more details to the communication.

  7. Click Save.

Viewing Communication Logs

After creating communication logs, you can review reports of these logs according to Communication Type, Action Item ID, and Date of Communication.

These reports are available by clicking the following tabs beneath the Communicate tab: