Archibus Extensions for BUILDERTM SMS

Master Connectors

Archibus Extensions for BUILDER™ SMS contain these master connectors, to transfer various types of data between BUILDER™ SMS and Archibus:

Master Connector Name Description

Outbound connector to read Archibus asset inventory data, then process and send the data to BUILDER™ SMS.

SMS_BackgroundData_from_BUILDER Inbound connector to read BUILDER™ SMS background, condition index, and replacement cost data, then process and import the data into Archibus.

Inbound connector to read BUILDER™ SMS asset inventory data, then process and import the data into Archibus.

SMS_Archibus_to_Builder_Inspect Outbound connector to read Archibus condition assessment data, then process and send the data to BUILDER™ SMS.
SMS_BUILDER_to_Archibus_Inspect Inbound connector to read BUILDER™ SMS condition assessment data, then process and import the data into Archibus.
SMS_Archibus_to_Builder_PM Outbound connector to read Archibus project management data, then process and send the data to BUILDER™ SMS.
SMS_BUILDER_to_Archibus_PM Inbound connector to read BUILDER™ SMS project management data, then process and import the data into Archibus.

Individual Connectors and Asset Types

Master connectors group individual connectors. Individual connectors in each master connector correspond to particular asset types or categories. System administrators can determine which asset types to transfer, since they can enable or disable specific connectors in the master connector group. Individual connectors also enable administrators to add connectors, or to customize existing connectors to meet current data exchange requirements.

SMS_BackgroundData_from_BUILDER transfers asset categories from BUILDER™ SMS to Archibus. For all data exchanges, UNIFORMAT II categories in BUILDER™ SMS serve to classify assets on both platforms.

Outbound and Background Data Master Connectors

Before you run the outbound master connector, SMS_Archibus_to_Builder_Assets, for the first time, run SMS_BackgroundData_from_BUILDER to retrieve background data from BUILDER™ SMS. Background data includes asset classifications, construction types, building uses, and campus locations. For routine transfers after the initial export, the outbound master connector updates background data in Archibus before it exports asset data to BUILDER™ SMS.

See also

BUILDER™ SMS Hierarchy

Comparing Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS Tables

Asset Inventory Exchange Process

Data Transfer Cases

Import, Export, and Background Data Operations

Configure Master Connectors

Source of Record for Background Data

Results of Running the Outbound Master Connector

Condition Index