Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Background Data - Labor / Define Craftsperson Schedule Variances
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Background Data / Define Craftsperson Schedule Variances
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance / Define Craftsperson Schedule Variances

Define Variances in a Craftsperson's Daily Schedule

With the Define Craftsperson / Details tab you set a craftsperson's general schedule, such as Monday to Friday 9:00 to 5:00 at standard rate and Saturday morning at double-time rate during a specified season. This general schedule can be a shift or a custom schedule. However, this general schedule does not account for variations. For example, a craftsperson may have the following types of exceptions to this schedule:

Use the Define Craftsperson Schedule Variances task to:

Schedules created with this task are stored in the Schedule Variances table (cf_schedule_variances) and are tracked by specific dates, as opposed to the daily schedule, which is tracked on a day basis (Monday, Tuesday, etc.).

Once you define schedule variances, the Labor Scheduler displays craftsperson hours as a combination of their regular daily hours and any defined Schedule Variances. For example, the Labor Scheduler could show that craftsperson Will Tram is out on vacation on Friday, December 5th, even though he usually works from 9:00 - 5:00 on that day. The supervisor will not be able to schedule work to him on that day.

For an overview of craftsperson scheduling, see Concept: Tracking a Craftsperson's Daily Schedule.

Viewing craftsperson schedules

When you load the Define Craftsperson Schedule Variances task, the calendar shows the combined data from the craftspersons' regular schedules (shifts and custom schedules, as developed with the Define Craftsperson / Details tab) and the Schedule Variances developed with this task. Use the tools on the left to create new schedule variances.

For example, in the below image, for several craftspersons for a five-day work week, you can see the scheduled standard time and double time rates (the green and red bars) which were developed with the Define Craftsperson / Details tab, as well as vacation for Martin Stevenson, sick leave for Pauline Chamber, and a site visit to the Bedford campus for Phyllis Reeves.

Step 1: Set the filter (optional)

You can filter the schedules to show only those affecting a specified:

The Variance Types are listed below. Note the following:

Variance Type Availability / Description
Vacation Unavailable


Note: If you establish Holiday Dates and you set an SLA response to not allow work on holidays, you will not be able to schedule work on holidays. With these options set, it is not necessary to set the Holiday schedule variance for each craftsperson since you will not be scheduling work on holidays. However, if you want to document that a craftspersons is unavailable due to a holiday, this option is available for you to set.

The scheduling system does not consider a Holiday variance when determining SLA service windows.

Personal Unavailable
Sick Leave Unavailable
Other For all other time the craftsperson is unavailable for scheduling. For example, you can use this option for time when a craftsperson is attending a company meeting or training.
On Site

Represents times when the craftsperson will be visiting a site or building. Site visits do not affect the craftsperson's availability, but do appear on the Labor Scheduler.

An On Site schedule variance does not automatically mean that a person is available during that time. You still must follow the craftspersons' regular hours, or add Standard/Overtime/Doubletime Schedule Variances. This is because a site visit can easily span multiple days and it would be inaccurate to assume the person is available during that entire time (24 hours each day).

Standard Time


Craftsperson will receive standard rate.



Craftsperson will receive overtime rate.



Craftsperson will receive double-time rate.

Busy If you have a license for the Archibus Extension for Microsoft Exchange, the system can import from Exchange the busy times and outline these hours with Busy time blocks on the calendar. Since the Busy time blocks are generated from Exchange, you cannot create, edit, or delete them. Administrators who want to make modifications to these times should do so in the email server, and those changes will be replicated in the Schedules Variances the next time the workflow rule runs. For more information, see Using Exchange for Craftsperson Schedules.

Step 2: Set the calendar display

To create a schedule variance

  1. For the desired Schedule Variance Type on the left panel, such as Holiday or Vacation, click the variance's Add button.
  2. Double-click on one time block in the calendar to which this variance applies. The system presents an edit form with the time frame of the time block that you indicated on the calendar.

    • Use the edit form to change the initial time slot by changing Start Date and End Date values. To set the exact hours for these dates, click on the calendar icon next to the date to access a graphical clock and calendar.
    • Optionally, add a description of the variance. This is handy for noting the details of a site visit or Other schedule variance.
    • If necessary, you can change the craftsperson or variance type as well. .
    • Click Done to process the Schedule Variance edit form.
    • As another option, you can confirm the time slot that the form presents (the initial time block you selected) and process the form. Next, in the calendar, stretch the variance block to represent the desired time frame or date range. For example, you might have first completed a 60-minute variance block from 8:00 to 9:00. You can now select this block and stretch it to fill the blocks of the entire day. You can stretch the variance blocks over multiple days, such as indicating a week of vacation as shown in the image at the top of this topic.
    • Once the variance block is made, you can move it do another date range or another craftsperson. Click to select it, and then drag to the appropriate craftsperson or time frame.
    • Note that if creating a site visit, you set a date range or time range for a craftsperson to be at a site or building.

To edit a schedule variance

There are two methods to edit a schedule variance: