System / Archibus Administrator

Email Notifications for Archibus Applications and Modules

Some Archibus applications and modules send email notifications at various points in the workflow. For example, email notifications can be sent upon a change in status, such as request submitted, request approved, work completed.

Before email notifications can be sent, your Web Application Server must be configured to send emails.

To configure your Web Application Server to send emails:

  1. Access the file:


  2. Specify the name for your SMTP mail outbound provider. For example:

  3. Specify the address name of the system administrator who will receive an email in the event of an error. For example:

  4. Specify the address name notificationSenderEmail with the email address that will appear as the sender in all notification emails. For example:

  5. Make sure that all users have an up-to-date email address specified in the Users table and Employees table. A user's email address must be the same in the Users table and the Employees table.
    • This also applies to vendors and craftspersons. Since vendors and craftspersons may want to sign into Archibus and receive email, you should have corresponding records in the Archibus Users table for the records in the Craftspersons and Vendors tables, and the email addresses should match. See Entering Users and Entering Employees for information

See Also

Email Notification Log

Users, Employees, and Emails