Archibus SaaS / System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration
System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration

Setting Up the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set

If you are using the Enhanced Global Feature Set, you configure the application as follows:

After you change the application parameter to enable or disable multi-currency/VAT, the applications will report errors if users attempt to edit existing cost records defined under the previous setting. Therefore, Archibus recommends that you carefully decide whether the project should enable or disable MC/VAT before beginning to enter data, and do not change that parameter mid-stream without very careful consideration. As a work-around, you can update pre-existing records using the Smart Client to bring them into conformity with the current (enabled vs. disabled) setting.

See Also

Update converted amounts.

Convert new costs to the budget currency.

Working with the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set

Getting Started with the Enhanced Global Feature in Real Property