Archibus SaaS / Leases
Real Property / Costs
System / Archibus Application Administrator - Application Configuration

Entering Alternate Names for the RENT BASE RENT Cost Category

The lease indexing feature applies a rent adjustment to the cost record that uses the generic Archibus RENT - BASE RENT . However, cost administrators might rename this cost category, and if you localize the application, the cost category's name will be translated. In these cases, you must enter these alternate names as , so the application recognizes these cost categories as base rent when indexing leases.

You can create multiple cost categories for base rent and enter them as application parameters, but you must apply them to different leases; each lease should have only one cost record for base rent.

Note: If you have defined an application parameter for an alternately named RENT - BASE RENT cost category, and have already indexed costs using this alternate name, do not delete the application parameter value for this cost category. Deleting this application parameter will result in the application no longer recognizing this cost as base rent. This means that you will no longer be able to index leases using this alternate name for base rent, and previous indexing transactions will not be shown in the Lease Base Rent History panel of the Lease Indexing Profile.

Syntax for entering multiple parameter values

For the Base_Rent_Category parameter, you can enter multiple values. Use the following syntax when entering multiple parameter values:


To enter alternate names for the RENT - BASE RENT cost category:

  1. Select the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Application Parameters task.
  2. From the Applications pane, select AbRPLMCosts.
  3. From the Application Parameters pane, select Base_Rent_Category.
  4. In the Edit Application Parameters pane, in the Parameter Value field, enter the alternate names for the Rent - BASE RENT cost category. Separate multiple entries using a comma. Ensure that there are no spaces either before or after the parameter values.

    For example, if you enter costs using LEASE RENT, and have additionally localized the application to French and German, you would make the following entries in the Parameter Value field:


  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Reload All Parameters to have the saved parameter take effect.

See also

Lease Indexing Overview