Archibus SaaS / Assets / IT Asset Manager / Telecom Console
Assets / Assets / IT Asset Manager / Telecom Console
Assets / Enterprise Assets / IT Asset Manager / Telecom Console
Assets / Telecom Assets / Telecom Management / Telecom Console

Create Workstation Equipment from the Telecom Console

You can add equipment to your inventory from the Telecom Console's Equipment tab.

To add such as , switches, and , and to model their connection ports, use the Equipment & Ports tab.

To create equipment

  1. Open the Telecom Console and click the Equipment tab in the Telecom Console's left pane.
  2. Click the Plus sign, located in the pane's upper right corner.

    An Equipment form for the selected building and floor opens.

  3. Enter data for the equipment as required.

    Equipment Code serves as a unique identifier (primary key) for the equipment item. For information on fields in the Equipment form, see Equipment Table: Field Reference.

  4. Click Save to save the Equipment record.

Note: For information on representing equipment on the floor plan, see Representing Equipment and Telecom Devices in CAD.