Assets / Enterprise Assets
Create or Edit My Projects
Proposed projects are projects that are being developed so that you can analyze alternative ways to meet your program goals. You can present proposed projects to management to determine which projects should be implemented. You create projects and give them the status of Proposed, so that these projects can be developed using the Project Proposals Console.
Project proposals can include the required space, furniture, and assets for the immediate period, as well as for various future periods that you define. These requirements can include the cost of required space and assets, which is important for project planning and comparing different proposed projects and determining the best to implement.
Once you decide a project to implement, you can manage it with the Projects application's Execute process. See Projects: Explore the Management Console.

You can access the Create and Edit My Projects task from the following locations:
- Assets / Enterprise Assets / Department Asset Manager / Create and Edit My Projects
- Assets / Enterprise Assets / Facility Asset Manager / Create and Edit My Projects
- Assets / Enterprise Assets / IT Asset Manager / Create and Edit My Projects
Procedure: Creating projects
Tip: When creating a proposed project, consider associating the project with a program. Having the program entered is an important way to organize your projects. The Project Locations tab on the Project Proposal Console includes a drill-down list of projects organized by program. If you do not add a program for a project, the project appears under the No Program heading in the drill-down list.
To create proposed projects:
- Select the Enterprise Assets / Your role / Create or Edit My Projects task. This task is available for the Department, Facilities, and IT Managers.
- In the My Created, Requested, and Proposed Projects pane, click Add New, and select Project from the submenu.
The Create New Project form appears.
- Enter the following information for the project:
Project Name: Enter a name to identify the project, such as Renovation - HQ. The name appears in selection lists next to the system-generated Project Code to help identify the project to users when they are selecting from lists. To link a proposed project to a portfolio scenario or space requirement, give the project the same name as the Portfolio Scenario Name ( portfolio_scenario.scn_name), or the Space Requirements Name (sb.sb_name ). This same name can also be entered for a move project so that a move project is linked to a proposed project, portfolio scenario, or space requirement. See Linking a project to a portfolio scenario or space requirement.
Date Requested Start / Date Requested End: Enter the dates that you expect the project to begin and end.
Project Type. This defaults to 'Scenario' for projects entered from the Project Proposal Console. Projects with the Scenario type have not been requested or routed for approval, and are being developed and evaluated along with alternative project scenarios. If you are using the Archibus Projects application to develop projects, you would eventually route one of these alternative proposals for approval.
Template: Optionally, select a template on which to base the project. Templates enable you to quickly define project plans by automatically associating typical work packages and actions with the project. If needed, you are able to edit the details for the project template to fit your specific process. For example, the application provides a Commissioning template with typical work packages and actions that use the work breakdown scheduling codes to show the action's hierarchy within the work package. See Defining Project Templates.
Criticality. Select the degree of importance this project has for your organization's mission. You can search for projects by their criticality. Selections are: Mission Critical; Mission Support, Noncritical.
- Click Create New Project.
The Edit Project Profile form appears with the following fields filled in.
Project Code: A system-generated unique identifier for the project. The code is based on the current 4 digit calendar year ‘2012’, plus a hyphen, plus a six-digit auto-generated next value (for example, 000009.). An example result is: ‘2012-000009 ’. The next generated project would be ‘2012-000010’.
Project Status is a read-only field set to Created. The status changes to Proposed after you click the Propose button. When you have decided which project you want to submit for approval, you request the project. If you have a license for the Projects application, Requested projects appear in the Projects application where they can be routed for approval, and further developed as they are implemented. Certain reports enable you to search by the phase the project is in. These phases are based on Project Status
Requestor: This is set to the logged on user.
Enter the following additional data as needed.
Program Name: Select a Program Name value if you want to associate the project with a capital program. Defining programs is a good way to organize your projects that are alternatives for the same program.
Account Code: Select the account if the project is associated with one.
Cost - Budgeted: Enter your estimate for the overall cost of this project. From the Projects application, the Cost Estimated - Adjusted shown in the Manage Active Projects view is calculated by multiplying this estimate by the Funding Probability.
Funding Probability: Enter an integer from 0 to 100 that indicates the likelihood of this project receiving funding. From the Projects application, the Cost - Est. Adjusted - Sum shown in the Manage Active Projects task is calculated by multiplying a project's Cost Budgeted by the Funding Probability factor, and summing this for all projects in the report.
Project Summary / Project Description / Project Scope / Project Benefits: Enter these descriptions of the project.
Duration- Estimated (Days): Enter the estimated number of days this project will take. From the Projects application, this estimate is used in the Manage Active Projects view to calculate the Duration - Estimated Days for all projects and for all projects by their status.
Days Per Week: Select the number of days per week that work will be performed. This is used to calculate the end date on the Gantt chart.
Site Code / Building Code: Select the location for this project.
Division Code / Department Code: Select the organizational unit requesting the project.
Area Affected ft2: Enter the amount of space in square feet that is impacted by this project.
Employees Affected: Enter the number of employees affected by this project.
Requestor / Requestor Phone: This information fills in with the name and phone number of the logged-on user when the project is requested. From the Project Proposal Console, you can search for projects by the Requestor.
Department Contact /Department Contact Phone: The name and phone number of the person from this department who is the contact for this project. This defaults to the logged on user, but you can change this. You can search for proposed projects from the Project Proposal Console by the Department Contact. If you have a license for the Projects application, they will receive notification when you submit the project.
Project Document fields. Use the Check In New Document button to check in any documentation that you want associated with the project. For more information on the Archibus documentation management system, see the Using the Document Management System help topic.
Project Document fields. After saving the project, you are able to associate the following documents with the project: See the Using the Document Management System help topic.
- Project Risk Management: This document defines the risks associated with a project and how these risks will be identified, analyzed, and managed. It outlines how risk management activities will be performed, recorded, and monitored throughout the lifecycle of the project. Typically, the project manager creates this document during the planning phase of the project and the document is monitored and updated throughout the project.
- Project Business Case: This document is typically prepared by stakeholders and sponsors of the project. It can include the background of the project, and the project's expected business benefits, costs, and risks.
- Project Charter: This document provides a statement of the scope, objectives, and participants in a project. Its purpose is to recognize the existence of the project and to begin the planning process required to accomplish the project goals. The project manager typically creates this document along with the business manager as it forms the basis for detailed project planning.
- Project Implementation Plan: This document provides a centralized reference document that organizes all of the information needed for implementation. Typically, the project manager creates this document.
- Project Scorecard. After creating the project, the Project Scorecard field has the Check In New Document arrow. Click this arrow to upload a document (image) that illustrates your analysis of the project.
Click Propose.
The project is now available in the Project Proposal Console.
Adding work packages and actions to a project
From the Create and Edit My Projects task, you can add a new work package and action when creating the project. This is a convenient way to get started, as a project requires at least one work package in order for you to request or propose it, or to export the project data to a Power Point presentation. Work packages are also important to organizing the project's work and to sending it out for bids if the project is approved.
To add a work package or actions:
- Click Add New, and then select work package or action from the menu that appears.
For information on the data you can enter, see:
Next: requesting, routing, and withdrawing projects
After you create and propose the project, you can work with the Project Proposal Console to add more data.
- From the Assets / Enterprise Assets / <your role> / Project Proposal Console task, filter to proposed projects, and complete additional data in the console's various tabs.
- Essentially, a proposed project is used to get stakeholder “pre-approval” before requesting the project.
- A project can stay in Proposed status for months or years as you research and gather the details of the project.
- When satisfied with the data, return to the Create or Edit My Projects task and click the Request button to request the proposed project. This sets the status to Requested.
- You can still continue to work on the requested project in the Project Proposal Console and complete additional data using its various tabs.
- If you decide not to implement the proposed project, you can use the Create or Edit My Projects task's Withdraw button. The project will no longer appear in the list of proposed and created projects when you view them in the Project Proposal Console.
- When satisfied with the requested project, you can route the project for approval by clicking the Route for Approval button of the Create or Edit My Projects task .
- If you project is approved, you continue work on the project using Projects application's Management's Execute process. You need a license for the Projects application to further develop the project. See Projects: Explore the Management Console.