Archibus SaaS / Reservations
Workplace Services / Reservations

Archibus Reservations Plugin for Microsoft Outlook

As an alternative to implementing the Archibus Reservations application or module for all users, your site may choose to provide users with access to the Archibus Reservations Plugin for Microsoft Outlook, which enables all of your enterprise users to make full-service room reservations right from the Microsoft Outlook's Appointment view.

You can deploy the Reservations application or module with or without the Archibus Reservations Plugin for Microsoft Outlook installed.

Note: This topic provides an overview of working from the Reservations Plugin for Microsoft Outlook. You can also find information on working from the Reservations Plugin for Microsoft Outlook throughout the topics on creating and editing reservations.

Note: For installation and configuration documentation, see Reservations Deployment Options: Overview (System Management Help).

Having the Plugin installed gives users the choice of which application to use for creating and modifying simple reservation requests, and enables managing both people and locations. Users who require additional assets for their meeting, such as equipment and catering, can use the Web Central interface to create their reservation.

Note the following about the Reservations Plugin for Microsoft Outlook

The Reservations Plugin for Microsoft Outlook appears as an alternative panel within Microsoft Outlook's Appointment view.