Technologies / Innovative Solutions / Integrations - BMS

BMS Integration: Deployment Procedure

Follow these steps to deploy the Clockworks or BMS Integration Package to a customer environment:

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Customer environment runs on Archibus Web Central V.2022.01 or later.

    • Customer has submitted an order with Archibus.

    • Customer has set up an instance / service with Clockworks.

  2. Based on the order from the customer, the Archibus Support team generates the Add-In License.

    • Run System / Add-In Manager / Add-in Application License General and complete these options:

      Field Description
      Customer Name Use the same customer name used to generate the main license.
      Application Name AbBMSExtension
      Application Security Key enter license security key
  3. Archibus Support team sends the license to the Customer’s or Business Partner's DevOps Team.

  4. Customer’s or Business Partner’s DevOps Team copies the Add-In License to the customer server:

    • Copy license file Ai-license-add-in-AbBMSExtension.bin to the folder: %archibus folder%/WEB-INF.

    • Do not rename the license file.

    • Do not copy and replace the existing main license file. This is an additional license file to the main one.

  5. Clockworks provides the following information to the Customer, so that the Customer can use it to connect to the Clockworks Environment:

    • URL to the Clockworks API for the customer instance (ex. https://rest.environmentaddress/core-diag/diagnostics)

    • The access that the Archibus API will use to authenticate with the Customer’s Clockworks instance.

    • Client Id, which is also used by the Archibus API to authenticate with the Customer’s Clockworks instance.

  6. In the Customer’s Archibus environment, Customer’s or Business Partner’s DevOps Team configures the file %archibus folder%/WEB-INF/config/ and inputs the values received from Clockworks (see Step 5) so that the Archibus API can connect to the Customer’s Clockworks instance:

    • clockworks.url

    • clockworks.accessToken

    • clockworks.clientId

  7. Customer’s Maintenance Manager has set up the portfolio of buildings and equipment in both Clockworks and Archibus; Archibus is the source of truth for asset data.

    • When setting up equipment in Clockworks, the Customer’s Maintenance Manager prefixes the Clockworks equipment name with the Archibus Equipment Code followed by the pipe character (ex. HVAC01|Anyotherstring).

    • For details, see Matching Archibus and Clockworks Equipment.

  8. Customer’s Archibus System Administrator sets workflow rules:

    • Run System / Add-In Manager / Define Workflow Rules

    • Click on the Show All button

    • Select Application: AbSolutionsWorkflow or AbSolutionsViewExamples

    • In the grid, filter for Rule Name = BMS

    • Set the following:

    • bmsImportDiagnostics

      Activate the production workflow rule that imports the data from the Customer’s Clockworks Instance via an Archibus API connection.

      Set the Active field to Yes.


      De-activate the Demo workflow rule. This prevents nuisance archibus log errors related to the system trying to import sample data and not finding the sample equipment records or sample building.

      Set the Active field to No.

      bmsCreateWorkRequests Instruct the system to automatically create work requests. The exact criteria which determines if work requests are generated are determined with the Configure BMS Analysis task.
  9. Customer’s Archibus System Administrator enables the integration, which activates the connection to the Daily Clockworks API.

    • Run System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Application Parameters 

    • Select the AbSolutionsWorkflow application, and set these parameters:

    • Parameter Description


      Set to 1 to activate the integration


      The number represents how many days in the past the workflow rule should look for diagnostics and evaluate if it needs to generate a new work request.

      For example: if you have scheduled to import diagnostics once a month (ex. 30 days), then this should be set to a value <= 30 days to make sure you evaluate all the imported diagnostics from the past 30 days.

      However, you could exceptionally decide to evaluate more or less than 30 days if you know there may be some inconsistencies in the data; for example, you just deployed Clockworks and there might be some false/test data coming in initially.

  10. Recommended:  the Archibus System Administrator reloads all application parameters from the same view, so that Archibus reads the new values.

  11. Recommended:  the Customer’s Archibus System Administrator reloads workflow rules so that they pick up the new activity parameter values:

    • Run System / Add-In Manager / Define Workflow Rules

    • Click on the Show All button

    • Click on the Reload Workflow Rules button, confirm the action in the pop-up dialog, and wait for Archibus to confirm reloading the workflow rules.


Next: Configure Diagnostics

Back: Getting Started with BMS Integration