Getting Results with Archibus


Adding employees to a space inventory enables you to produce occupancy plans, employee headcounts, and inventories of employees by site and building. This information is vital for locating vacant offices that can be used by contract workers or new employees and for visually understanding how employees and departments are situated on the floor.

An accurate personnel inventory also helps space managers to maximize space efficiency and plan for future growth or reduction by answering such questions as: Are our offices used to capacity? How many vacant offices do we have? Should we consider consolidating this space? What is the average area per occupancy? Is this in line with our standards? Does this employee have a satellite location?

Space and department managers have access to reports that show changes to employee occupancy, such as room changes and vacancy rates, over time.

Additionally, if your site has implemented the Archibus Space & Occupancy Survey mobile app, facilities staff can access key occupancy data and occupancy plans on their mobile devices and smart phones, which is handy in meetings, when you are off-site, and when you are away from your corporate network. Likewise, your site can elect to run periodic audits in which surveyors in the field use their smart phones to compare the electronic occupancy to real-life use and record the discrepancies.



Archibus non-SaaS offering:

  • Space / Occupancy

Business Result

Space use by departments based on employee occupancy.

Occupiable space and available vacant space.

Time-based trends in occupancy and vacancy.

Visualization of over-utilized and under-utilized space

Manage the many types of occupancy models that exist in a corporate environment (permanent seats assignments, hotdesking, and alternative workplace strategies).

Used By

Department Managers

Space Managers

Facility Managers

Service Desk Managers

Occasional users (clients) requesting individual moves.

Reasons for Automating

To provide central repository of employee data that can be accessed by key stakeholders over a corporate Intranet or network for high-level planning.

To tie Human Resources data to FM data.

To provide industry-accepted methods for employee space usage, including the Average Area per Occupant report.

To track an employee's primary and satellite location.

To automatically coordinate moves, rooms, and calendar time scheduling.

To track employee room changes and vacancy rates over time.

To manage alternate workspace scenarios (team space)

Prerequisite Applications

A room inventory developed with the Space Inventory application



Employee Lists

Employees by Division, Department, and Standard

Employee Location reports

Employee Average Area reports

Employee Department Analysis reports

Room Vacancy and Availability reports

Occupancy Plans

Highlight Occupiable Vacant Rooms

Location Metrics

Workspace Transaction Console

Allocation, Trend, and Benchmark reports

Team Space Statistics and employee-to-seat ratios

Applications Using the Results of this Application

Service Desk


Space & Occupancy Survey mobile app

Several other Archibus applications use employee lists and occupancy plans, including Service Desk, Corrective Maintenance, and Reservations.

The following users typically work with a personnel inventory.



Space Manager

Locate vacant offices when planning for future space needs.

Manage team spaces within an alternative workplace environment.

Department Manager

Locate employee offices on floor plan drawings.

Maintain employee data.

Assess how employee locations change over time.

Form teams for specific projects.

Facility Manager

Enter basic employee data, or import it from a Human Resources database.

Service Desk Manager Configure processes (also known as Service Level Agreements or SLAs) that manage the workflow for space-related requests.
General User (Client) Use self-service tasks to request a move.