Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance
Workplace Services / Service Desk

Maintenance and Service Desk Workflow Rules

SLAs require workflow rules to update work requests and to synchronize work request with their service requests. Be aware that if the scheduled workflow rules are active, and if they run on startup, the process could update a large number of records.

Note: Beginning with V.25.1, Archibus Client/Server is discontinued. To use the Client/Server-related workflow rules, you must work with pre-V.25.1 Web Central.

Updating the Date to Perform work

updateWrDateAssigned workflow rule: For preventive maintenance work requests, the Date to Perform field is filled in based on the preventive maintenance schedule, and this generally reflects the date that the work should be performed. When you create a work request for on demand work, the system automatically fills in the Date to Perform field (wr.date_assigned) with the date that the system initially creates the work request. However, this date may not be the actual date that you are able to start the work.

To make the Date to Perform more relevant for on demand Work, you can run the updateWrDateAssigned workflow rule as a scheduled routine. This workflow rule updates the Date to Perform for on demand work requests based on the earliest date that any trade, craftsperson, or resource is assigned.

Associating imported work requests with service level agreements

invokeSLAForWorkRequests workflow rule: If you import into Web Central work request records that originated in other applications, such as the Work Wizard or Archibus Client/Server, you can run the invokeSLAForWorkRequest workflow rule to associate these work requests with service level agreements (SLAs) that you have defined. This ensures that the Web Central application has the steps for processing these work requests.

The invokeSLAForWorkRequests workflow rule does the following:

Update the work team from the supervisor assignment

updateWorkTeamFromSupervisor workflow rule: Work can be assigned to a supervisor or a work team based on the service level agreement associated with the work request. If work is assigned to a supervisor and that supervisor is part of a work team, the updateWorkTeamFromSupervisor scheduled workflow rule fills in the work_team_id as well. This is useful if you have assigned a supervisor, but want to generate reports that organize or analyze performance by work team. This workflow rule enables you to generate these reports even if you have not specifically assigned a work team.

Creating service requests for work requests processed in another application

updateServiceRequestStatus workflow rule: When you create a maintenance service request within Web Central, Web Central eventually creates an associated work request. You can process and update that work request in applications outside of Web Central such as the Archibus Client/Server application and the Work Wizard. When this occurs, the status of the associated service request in Web Central is not in sync with the work request.

To ensure that the status of the initial service request is the same as the work request, you can run the updateServiceRequestStatus scheduled workflow rule to update the statuses of service requests so that they are in sync with associated work requests.

The following describes the work request statuses that map to service request statuses.

Work Request Status (work_request_status) Service Request Status (activity_log_status)
















Updating the parts inventory

The calculateWorkResourceValues workflow rule The “Parts and Inventory Calculation Service. refers to the java file “”, that includes many inventory-related workflow rules, among them CalculateInventoryUsage and CalcEqPtUsePerYr. The CalculateInventoryUsage and CalcEqPtUsePerYr workflow rules are run from action buttons found on tasks in the Corrective Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance applications. See Calculate Inventory Usage (Parts).