Archibus SaaS / Maintenance
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance

Concept: Using Microsoft Exchange with Craftsperson Schedules

Many organizations have craftspersons that maintain a calendar of appointments in Microsoft Exchange. Appointments that are defined outside of the Archibus applications impact the availability of craftspersons when it comes to scheduling work requests. If you purchase a license for the Archibus Extension for Microsoft Exchange, you can integrate Exchange calendars when creating craftsperson schedules. Specifically, the Define Craftsperson Schedule Variances view will show Busy blocks on the calendar for times that Exchange shows that the craftsperson as busy. These times are then included in Availability calculations for each craftsperson.

To integrate Exchange busy times with the Define Craftsperson Scheduled Variances view, the system runs the getCFBusyTimesExchange scheduled workflow rule, which:

Since Exchange uses the UTC standard for all appointments, the workflow rule adjusts the Busy time blocks from Exchange to match the timezone of the craftspersons (as stored in the corresponding Employees record). If a craftsperson's timezone cannot be derived because the information is not available, then the workflow rule does not convert the time block; in the cf_schedules_variances record, the busy time is presented in the GMT timezone.

For information, see Extension for Microsoft Exchange / Configuring Maintenance (System Management Help).