Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Management Reports

Compliance Violations Map

The Management Reports / Compliance Violations Map provides a comprehensive picture of status world-wide. The report provides a map view with both a drill-down list and Filter console to enable you to restrict the view to the locations you want to review. The map includes marker symbols over locations containing violations. These markers are color-coded to show areas by critical factors, such as violation severity, enabling you to quickly evaluate violations by location and to assess areas of concern.

This report shows compliance violations for both and , and for and . Recall, the Compliance Programs and Contracts table (regprogram) holds both compliance programs and contracts; the Requirements table (regrequirement) holds both requirements and contract terms. The filter console uses the terminology of compliance programs and requirements, but you can enter a contract in the Compliance Program field, and enter a contract term in the Requirement field. In the below image using the HQ sample data, NC-HOOD-0021A is a contract; the user has entered this value in the Compliance Program Code field to see the violation locations for this contract.

The map enables you to get more details in the following ways:


To view violations on the map, the following are required:

About Marker Symbol Selections

Across the top of the map, there are selection lists that you can use to make the following selections for the marker symbols: