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Getting Started with Compliance Notifications

To ensure that recurring events are completed on-time and not missed, email notifications for a program's events can be sent using notification templates. Notification templates specify the message, recipients, and triggering conditions that determine when the email is sent. Defining notification templates ensures that the appropriate notifications are sent at critical points to all stakeholders.

Programs and requirements will most likely have multiple notifications assigned to them to handle the various conditions that can occur. For example, you might want notifications to handle a reminder for an event when it is upcoming, another to create a message for an event that is missed or overdue, and another sent when an event is completed.

The following describes the process for setting up and using notification templates.

Notification Template Setup

The following describes the tasks for setting up notification templates.

Archibus System Administrator

Business Process Owner

Create notifications by defining categories (optional), generic messages and subject lines, and using these to define templates. These notification templates can include:

Notification Template Assignment

The following describes the tasks for assigning notification templates to compliance programs, requirements, and events.

Compliance Program Managers

Frequently Used Templates

You can define templates that will be used frequently, but are not needed for every event. These frequently used templates are available to Compliance Program Managers for assignment to programs and requirements as needed. Defining these additional templates for the most common notifications is an efficient way to create notifications, and provides a consistent message to stakeholders. These templates are assigned at the discretion of the Compliance Program Manager.

For example, the Business Process Owner could define separate notifications for upcoming events, missed events, overdue events, completed events, canceled events, or events placed on-hold. The Compliance Program Managers can then assign these templates to specific compliance programs and events. They can use the Copy As New button to make slight modifications to these templates when needed for specific scenarios. See Defining Notification Templates.

Universal Templates

If your organization determines that certain notifications are needed for all events, the business process owner can define these universal templates. Universal templates are specific notifications that are always sent to selected people for all events if the triggering conditions are met. The universal templates the business process owner defines are inherited by all new programs and their requirements.

For example, a universal notification template could be created to always enforce that the Compliance Manager receives a notification when an event is past its required date by a week or more and is not completed. You will often set up multiple universal templates to send notifications at critical event statuses or dates, such as when an event is missed or overdue.

Universal templates do not have a Compliance Program Code or Requirement Code associated with them; to act as a universal template, the template cannot be associated with a specific program or requirement. For this reason, universal templates are not available to Compliance Program Managers when they manage notifications. Compliance Program Managers can, however, view the universal templates so that they understand the notifications that are being sent, and can determine if they need to create or assign additional notifications.

To view universal templates

  1. Access one of the following tasks and select the Notification Templates tab:
    • Compliance Program Manager / Manage Compliance Program
    • Compliance Program Manager / Manage Compliance Requirements
    • Compliance Program Manager / Manage Notification Templates
    • Contract Manager / Manage Contracts
    • Contract Manager / Manage Contract Terms
  2. Click View Universal Templates.

    The View Universal Templates pop-up window shows all universal templates defined for your programs and requirements,

  3. Click View in the row for a template.

    The bottom pane, shows details for that universal template, such as triggering conditions, subject line, and Notification Body ID.

See Setting Universal Notification Templates.