Archibus SaaS / Assets / Background Data - Assets
Assets / Assets / Background Data - Assets
Assets / Enterprise Assets / Background Data - Assets
Assets / Telecom Assets / Background Data - Facilities

Define Spaces Served by Equipment

Use the Define Spaces Served by Equipment task to identify the spaces that depend on an equipment asset. This facilitates planning when an equipment asset is moved or taken off line. You can associate multiple spaces with an equipment item; for example, if an air handler handles multiple rooms, you can enter these rooms using this task. On the other hand, you might want to just specify the floor that the item serves. This feature is designed for flexible use, depending on the needs at your site.

Once you define the spaces served by equipment, you can review these assignments using the Equipment Systems Console and the BIM Viewer's Show Rooms Served highlight.

The data you create with this task is saved to the Spaces Served by Equipment  (eq_rm) table. The Space Served field iis completed with a combination of the Building Code, Floor Code, and Room Code fields (depending upon the space level you defined), in the format: SRL|03|374.

In the sample HQ project, equipment in building SRL has several defined served spaces.

To define spaces served by equipment

  1. Select the Define Spaces Served by Equipment task.
  2. From the Equipment list select an equipment asset.

    The Spaces Served by Equipment pane shows any spaces already associated with the equipment.

  3. To add a space, click Add.
  4. In the Spaces Directly Served form, select the building (required), and optionally, select the floor, and room.
  5. Click Save.
  6. You can repeat to include additional floors or rooms served by this item.