custodian status
An asset's owner custodian often changes over time. For example, there may be one owner custodian who accepts the asset at the loading dock, and a different owner custodian when the item is put into use. A third owner custodian might be responsible for disposal.
The Chain of Custody features use the Custodian Status field to track the active status for owner custodians throughout the asset's lifecycle, so that you have a history of an asset's owner custodians throughout its lifetime. During the timeframe that an owner custodian is assigned to an asset, the Custodian Status field is Active. When the owner custodian gives up custodianship of this asset, the Custodian Status is set to Inactive.
An asset's custodian status can be:
- active -- the custodian is currently the owner custodian or a non-owner custodian.
- inactive -- a custodian was previously the owner custodian. This status does not apply to non-owner custodians.
- archived
- removed
Custodian Status is stored in the Contact Status field of the Teams table. Changes in an asset's custodian are stored as asset transactions in the asset_trans table.