Capital Projects / Projects / Plan
Capital Projects / Commissioning / Design

Assigning Team Members to a Project

Use the Assign Team Member or Assign Commissioning Team tasks to set up a project team to execute the project. Members of the project team can be employees, vendors, or craftspersons. It can also include contacts when working from the Management or Project Proposal Consoles.

Employees include anyone who has been entered into the Employees table by the business process owner. This could include any consultants who will be working on the project. Make sure to notify your business process owner if any consultants need to be added to the Employees table.

Note: If you have a license for one of the Archibus Maintenance applications, you can enter craftspersons on the project team, along with employees and vendors.

You can access this task using either the Projects or Commissioning applications. Or, if you can also assign team members when working from the Management or Commissioning Consoles. These consoles enable you to select a single project and then perform a variety of tasks for that project.

To assign a project or commissioning team:

  1. If needed, use the Filter console to restrict the list of projects that are shown. For example, set a filter to restrict the list to show only Approved projects for a specific location, Program, or Project Manager. Click Show to show the project list using your restriction. See Using Filter Consoles.
  2. In the Select Project pane, select a project.

    The Team Members pane shows any members already added to the project team.

  3. To add a new team member, click Add New.

    The Team Member dialog appears.

  4. Enter the following required field:

    Team Member Code: Use the Select Values list to select a team member.

    On the Select Values list, you can select the Employee, Craftsperson, or Vendor tab to assign people from each of these roles to the team. If you are integrating the Projects application with an Archibus Maintenance application, you can also enter craftspersons as well. Select a team member from one of the tabs.
    The selected employee, vendor, or craftsperson name appears in the Team Member Code field. Additional information stored for the selected team member is filled in the Team Member form.

  5. Fill in as much additional information as needed.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Add additional employees and vendors using the steps outlined above.