Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Reports
Real Property / Leases / Reports

Options by Expiration Date Report

The Options by Expiration report provides a comprehensive view of your option expirations. You can filter the report to target options that are expiring during different time frames, and can select to include expired leases in the report. If you do not set a restriction, the report shows options for all your portfolio items sorted by option expiration date, and does not include expired leases.

You can sort the screen by any column header by clicking the small rectangle in that column header. For example, you can show options for buildings at the top of the screen by sorting the screen by Building Code.

Filtering the Report

You can filter the report to target options that are expiring during different time frames. You can select options that expire from the current date through the coming month, the coming three months, the coming six months, or the coming year. You can select to exclude or include expired options in the report. Expired options include any options associated with an expired lease, or options that have an Expiration Date that is less than the current date. If the option does not have an Expiration Date entered, and you select to exclude expired options, the option is excluded from the report only if it is also associated with a lease that is expired.

See Also

Leases Application: Reports

Leases SaaS Module: Reports