Real Property / Portfolio Summary

Global Portfolio Dashboard

The Global Portfolio Dashboard presents overall statistics on your total Real Estate portfolio in your organization’s Budget Currency. This dashboard enables the top-level management team to review statistics for all real estate portfolio items and transactions, even for parts of your portfolio that are located in foreign locales using cost transactions entered in the locale's local currency.

The Global Portfolio Dashboard provides tasks for the following roles:

Role Description
Global Real Estate Portfolio Manager At a high level, a Global Real Estate Portfolio Manager responsible for a multinational organization needs the current financial summary for properties for your entire global operation. This summary provides decision support data for strategic decisions, and budgets aimed at effectively reducing budgeted costs in planning for the next year.
Cost Administrator Cost administrators managing cost in a multinational organization work in multiple currencies. Using the Global Portfolio Dashboard, these administrators can work with cost transactions entry and reports displayed in their user default currency, based on the Locale entered in their user profile.

This topic contains the following sections that describe the various parts of the Global Portfolio Dashboard:

Note: The approximate lease commitment in the Global Portfolio Dashboard is a rough estimate; the yearly factor is not considered in the approximation. For quarterly, yearly, or custom periods, the values can be different than the rent roll calculations or the Lease Commitment report. Also note that this report does not include all cost categories by default on the filter; you must select all categories manually.

The sample data is different from Oracle and MSSQL currently.

Filter Console

The Filter console enables you to view statistics by organizational unit (business unit, division, or department), or by geographical location (region, country, or site). Both selections enable you to filter by building use.

When you make your selections and click the Filter icon , the GIS  map, chart, and statistics are refreshed to reflect your selections.

Key Performance Indicator Benchmarks Values

The KPI: Real Property section of the Global Portfolio Dashboard presents the following key performance indicator benchmarks. These benchmarks are for the buildings included in the dashboard using the filter you set in the Filter console.

Click the More link at the bottom of the panel to generate these benchmarks as the Portfolio Details report. You can export this report to Excel by clicking XLS on the Portfolio Details window.

The benchmarks are:

Benchmark Description
Buildings Count of buildings
Gross Area ft2 Sum of the gross interior areas (Int. Gross Area) for buildings.
% Leased/Owned Percent of the count of buildings leased / the count of buildings owned. Buildings are determined to be leased if the building's Area Lease Negotiated is greater than 0. Buildings are determined to be owned if the building's Area Lease Negotiated is equal to 0
Value Owned Assets Sum of equipment costs factored by capital cost of equipment / replacement cost value. The formula is: AVG(1000 * (Cost - Est. Baseline (Exp.) + Cost - Est. Baseline (Cap)) /Cost To Replace
Total Lease Commitment

Sum of lease expenses for the buildings over the term of the lease

Note: Recurring lease expense costs with no End Date value are not included in the Total Lease Commitments calculations. To include these costs, enter an End Date using the Cost Wizard. See Create Recurring Costs.

Total Operation Costs Sum of the Expense - Operating Total for all operating costs assigned to the buildings
Total Capital Costs Sum of estimated design cost for approved or issued capital projects for the building. The formula is: (SUM(Cost - Est.Design (Exp.) + SUM(Cost - Est. Design (Cap.))
Building Maximum Headcount Sum of the Max. Bldg. Occupancy (bl.count_max_occup) for all buildings included in the Filter restriction.
Building Occupancy Sum of Building Occupancy (bl.count_occup) for buildings included in the restriction you set. The bl.count_occup should include both Emp. Headcount as well as the occupancy of leased and subleased areas. If you are leasing out some areas of a bldg, the Building Occupancy will capture the headcount for both the areas you are leasing and the areas you are occupying.
Vacancy Percent (Seats) ( 1 – Building Occupancy / Max. Bldg. Occupancy)100 x (Building Occupancy / Max. Bldg. Occupancy).
Avg. Area per Emp The average of the Avg. Area per Emp. for all buildings included in the restriction set in the Filter Console
Cost per Area ft2 The average of the Cost per Area for all buildings included in the restriction set in the Filter Console.

GIS Map View

This map view uses the Esri ArcGIS Online Services to display Buildings on a world map. When you change the Location from the Filter console, the ArcGIS Map display zooms in or out according to your selection.

Note: An item must have its latitude and longitude entered for it to be placed on the map. If the latitude and longitude information are missing, the item has an icon to indicate this. To calculate the longitude and latitude, you can use the Globe button at the top of the map view accessed from the Real Property / Portfolio / Buildings / Manage Buildings by Location task. When you click the Globe button, the latitude and longitude are automatically calculated. See Working with Map Views.


The Global Portfolio Dashboard includes the following charts:

Chart Description
Operating Costs

This pie chart summarizes the Amount Expense for cost transactions grouped by Cost Category Types using the restriction you set in the Filter Console. The calculations take into consideration operational costs by building. Mouse over a cost and a tooltip shows its category.

Note: Only actual cost transactions appear in the chart; scheduled and recurring costs are not included.

Area by Building This pie chart summarizes the Int. Gross Area by Building Use for buildings using the restriction you set in the Filter Console. Mouse over an area in the chart and a tooltip shows its Building Use.
Occupancy by Site This bar chart summarizes the Total Room Dept. Area by occupiable room category (Occupiable) for buildings shown next to non-occupiable room category (vacant) grouped by site using the restriction you set in the Filter Console.
Building Values This bar chart summarizes the Value - Book and Value - Market for buildings using the restriction you set in the Filter Console. Buildings with a status of "Disposed' are not included in the summary.
Buildings by Age Range (Years) This bar chart displays counts of Building records by Building Age. Building Age is based on Date Built and grouped by date ranges that represent the buildings age in years (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41+).
Leases by Expiration Range (Years) This bar chart displays lease counts based on Lease Expiration Date Ranges. Lease expiration is based on Date End . The data is grouped by date ranges that represent the year in which the lease expires. (02-03, 04-05, 06-10, 11-1, 15+).
Owned/Leased Buildings This bar chart displays two area columns. One column summarizes the building Total Lease Negotiated Area when the building is Leased; the other summarizes the building Int. Gross Area when the building is Owned.

Note: The calculation for Owned / Leased Buildings requires that there is at least one active lease for which you are the tenant.

See Also

Global Portfolio Dashboard: Executive Reports

Global Portfolio Dashboard: Administrator Reports