Real Property / Leases / Suite Analysis

Define Suites by Lease (Smart Client)

To define suites by lease:

  1. Select the Define Suites by Lease task.

    The grid presents a list of your leases.

  2. Expand the lease record that you want to add a lease for.

    A new grid panel shows any suites defined for the selected lease.

  3. Click in the first row to enter a new suite record for this lease.
  4. Enter the following required data:

    Suite Code: Enter the unique identifier for the suite.

    When you enter the Suite Code, the program fills in the Lease Code for the lease you selected.

  5. Enter the following recommended information:

    Building Code: Select the building where the suite is located,

    Floor Code: Select the floor the suite is located on.

    Suite Occupancy: Enter the number of occupants of the suite.

    Note that the following fields are calculated:

    Area - Usable: The area on the floor that this particular suite occupies. This is a drawing-driven value derived from the suite area asset symbol. A floor's usable area is calculated by subtracting the floor's service areas and vertical penetration areas from its internal gross area.

    Area - Rentable: The actual area for which the tenant pays rent. A floor's rentable area is calculated by subtracting its vertical penetration areas from the internal gross area. Calculated by the Update Area Totals task as Area - Usable plus Total Common Area.

    Total Common Area: This is calculated as a prorated portion of the total Service Floor Common Area, Service Building Common Area, and Service Site Common Area. The proration is the ratio of the Suites Area - Usable to the total Suite Area - Usable for the floor, building, and site. See Perform Proration and Update Lease Areas action for details on these calculations

  6. To save your entries, click off the row.
  7. Image Document:  If you have a scanned or digital image of the suite, you can use this document field to record the file name. After saving the record, the Check In New Document button then appears next to the Image Document field, enabling you to select a document or image to associate with the suite record.