Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Portfolio Console
Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator

Reviewing and Exporting Lease Indexing Transaction Details

Working from the Lease Cost Profile Details form, you can review the transaction details for each calculation of an index adjustment for a selected lease. You can export the transaction data to a DOCX or XLS file.

Access the Lease Cost Profile Details form

Lease Portfolio Console (Leases SaaS module, Leases application)

  1. Select Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Portfolio Console.
  2. Set Display Mode to Multi-Tab.
  3. Click on a lease to select it. You move to the Details tab (upper row).
  4. In the second row of tabs, select the Recurring Costs tab.
  5. Click the Cost Profile button. The Lease Cost Profile Details form appears.
  6. Select the Lease Index Profile tab.

Costs application / Real Property module, Costs processes

  1. Select Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator / Lease Cost Profile.
  2. The Lease Cost Profile Details view appears.

Review and export lease indexing transaction details:

  1. From the Lease Cost Profile Details form, ensure that the Lease Indexing Profile tab is selected

  2. The bottom panel (Lease RENT - BASE RENT History for the selected Lease Code) shows all recurring costs transactions for the RENT - BASE RENT cost category that have been adjusted by indexing for the selected lease code.

    If there are no Recurring Cost records, click the Generate Indexed Rent button to generate them.

  3. To export the lease history to Excel, click XLS.

See also

Lease Indexing Overview