Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Portfolio Console
Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator

Editing Lease Indexing Profile Information

Typically, indexing information is part of the lease agreement and would not be changed over the life of a lease. Changing lease indexing information before you have generated indexed rent is not a problem.

Changing some indexing information does not pose any issues, even after you have generated indexed rent using different values. This lease indexing information includes Indexing Frequency, Percentage Change Adjustment(%), Limit Maximum (%), Limit Minimum (%), Round New Rent To, Reset Initial Values?.

For example, suppose you are three years into a five-year lease term, and you negotiate a Limit Maximum (%) change to 2.50% for lease years three, four, and five. Setting the Limit Maximum (%) change to 1.0250, and clicking Save enables the configuration change to be processed next time the rent is scheduled to be updated.

In the event that other lease indexing information needs to be changed after you have generated indexed rent, use the following guidelines to prevent errors:

See also

Lease Indexing Overview