Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Define Workflow / Manage Notifications
Workplace Services / Service Desk / System Integrator / Manage Notifications
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / System Integrator / Manage Notifications

Configuring Email Messages

There are two categories of e-mail messages for Service Desk and Maintenance:

The System Integrator can customize the content of these messages, and can create multiple message options for any workflow step.

In addition, the Service Desk Manager, when defining the SLA, can enable and disable the automatic messages that the system sends to each stakeholder in the process.

Messages Sent to Key Stakeholders When Work is in their Queue

System Integrators use the Manage Notifications task to configure messages sent to stakeholders in the work process. The list of the activity, step, and message codes appear on the left. When System Integrators select a record, they can modify the message content on the right.

Messages can be created using the new Rich Message format. The format utilizes Freemarker ( software, and the messages entered are templates that use parameters that the system will fill in at runtime.

The data model contains the following items:

Messages Sent as Notification Steps

With the Manage Service Desk Steps task, the System Integrator can configure message content of notification steps, and can even create additional notification steps for each basic status.

To have a custom message for a notification step, you must create a new step of the Notification step type with a specific mail subject and body. Once these steps are established, service desk managers can use them when configuring SLAs.

When creating or updating a step of type notification, you can enter a specific subject and body for the e-mail message. If you do not enter anything, the system will use the default subject and body . These default values can be changed by the System Integrator using the Manage Notifications task, (referenced by = SENDEMAIL_NOTIFICATION_STEPMGR).

The content of the data model depends on the application (Service Desk or Corrective Maintenance) and status of the step.

When creating a notification step, the System Integrator can also assign which documents should be attached to the mail. The custom subjects and bodies for the notification steps are saved in the Messages table.

Data Models

Table 1: Data model for request in activity_log

Map/List Data Condition Remarks
activity_log (map) All fields of the activity_log table  

For the fields status and step_status a map is created with the stored value (<field>.value) and displayed value (<field>.text).


questions (list) For each question: quest_name, quest_text, sort_order, answer questionnaire used for the request  
wr (map) all fields of the wr table work request linked to the service request See remarks wr in Table 2.
wo (map) all fields of the wo table work order linked to the service request See remarks for wo in Table 3.
steps (list) For each step: step_type, step, multiple_required, condition, em_id, vn_id, step_status_result, status, step_order, date_response, time_response, date_created, time_created, step_code, user_name, comments, step_log_id   This list contains all records in helpdesk_step_log linked to the activity_log record. For the fields status, step_status_result and step_type a map is created with the stored value (<field>.value) and displayed value (<field>.text).


Table 2: Data model for request in wr

Map/List Data Condition Remarks
wr (map) all fields of the wr table  

For the fields status and step_status a map is created with the stored value (<field>.value) and displayed value (<field>.text).


wo (map) all fields of the wo table work request assigned to a work order See remarks wo in Table 3.
questions (list) for each question: quest_name, quest_text, sort_order, answer Questionnaire used for this request  
activity_log (map) all fields of the activity_log table   See remarks for activity_log in Table 1.
steps For each step: activity_id, em_id, step, step_type, status, condition, step_order, step_status_result, date_response, time_response, user_name, comments, step_log_id, role   This list contains all records in helpdesk_step_log linked to the wr record. For the fields status, step_status_result and step_type a map is created with the stored value (<field>.value) and displayed value (<field>.text).

Table 3: data model for request in wo

Map/List Data Condition Remarks
wo (map) all fields of the wo table   For the field wo_type a map is created with the stored value (<field>.value) and displayed value (<field>.text).
wr (list) all wr records linked to this wo record   See remarks for wr in Table 2.
activity_log (map) all fields of the activity_log table service request linked to the work order See remarks for activity_log in Table 1.