Getting Results with Archibus

Space Planning

Both space planners and portfolio planners are tasked with optimizing their current space and planning for efficient space usage in the future. While space planners are responsible for ensuring that the organization's space supply meets its demands -- both currently and in the future -- at the building or site level, portfolio planners perform these same tasks at the portfolio level and determine if they should drop leases, find new leases, purchase property, support new construction. Ranging from high-level real estate decisions to more specific plans for space use and occupancy, space and portfolio managers can use the Space Planning application to manage their current and projected space needs.

Space Planning has tasks for developing space requirements, tools for working with stack plans to experiment with different allocations of space, reports that compare the different scenarios, and tools for presenting scenarios to management. The application includes features to plan detailed execution scenarios, such as a gap analysis report for connecting the strategic plan to the individual operational events (moves, renovations, new space) for executing the plan.

Note: Both the Archibus Advanced Forecasting application and Space Planning application use the Space & Portfolio Planning Console. However, Advanced Forecasting is a super-set of the Space Planning application and has additional features not found in Space Planning. If a customer has the Advanced Forecasting application, they do not additionally need Space Planning.

Space Planning


Archibus non-SaaS offering

  • Space / Space Planning

Archibus SaaS

  • Space Planning

Also known as

Master Planning

Business Result

Multi-year, what-if scenario-based planning at any level of detail in a single, consistent graphical format

Structured information that supports executive decision making for space planning and master planning; the hard numbers needed to defend specific portfolio scenarios

Comparison of portfolio resources to business needs at different points in time to determine gap analysis.

Used By


Portfolio Managers

Facility Managers

Space Planners

Move Planners

Reasons for Automating

Forecast space needs and propose alternative scenarios

Synchronize strategic and tactical planning – Develop a top-down strategic space planning, from the portfolio-scale through the city and campus scales, all the way down to the room level.

Assess baseline conditions and historical cost allocation data.

Deliver a multi-year space forecast with two or more different variations and evaluate the optimum solution.

Visualize space allocation graphically - Easily drag-and-drop groups within a stack diagram from one floor to another to complete space allocation plans

Prerequisite Applications

Space Inventory – for defining rooms and groups, and reporting on all space usage

Occupancy – for assigning and re-assigning people to rooms, and reporting space vacancy and availability

Applications Using the Results of this Application

Enterprise Assets -- for viewing capital project, capital assets, and space forecasts and needs in one integrated console

Projects -- for executing proposed portfolio projects and tracking their work packages and tasks to completion

Moves -- for executing group moves required by portfolio changes


Stack Plan

Gap Analysis

Allocation Events by Location, Organization, and Date

Portfolio Scenario Comparison

Proposed Moves

Space Requirement Details

Scenarios output to PowerPoint presentations for review with key stakeholders and management

The following users are typically involved with Space Planning.



Business Process Owner

Define background data about the facility (the location and organization data).

Define the space standards on which scenarios and forecasts will be based.

Space Planner

Define immediate space requirements at the site or building level.

Define future space requirements (forecasts) at the site or building level.

Work with stack plans to allocate immediate needs, and forecast space needs at the site or building level.

Compare space scenarios.

Generate move orders.

Portfolio Planner

Define immediate space requirements at the portfolio level.

Define future space requirements (forecasts) at the portfolio level.

Work with stack plans to allocate immediate and forecast space needs at the portfolio level

Compare portfolio scenarios