Real Property / Strategic Financial Analysis

Base Analysis Metrics: Summary and Calculations

The following table summarizes the base analysis metrics that sum values for the current fiscal year. Many analysis metrics also have associated ratios – for example, Energy Cost per Gross Area – which allow analysts to normalize out the size of a facility or the number of occupants so that they can compare different facilities on an even-performance basis.

Analysis Metric Metric Title Prorations~ Applies To Description Business Relevance Calculation

Total Cost Metrics

(fin_tc_occ_an_fy )

TCO-Occupancy (fy)



Sums operating costs related to occupancy, including maintenance, custodial, security, energy and utilities, property taxes, rent, and direct services. compare occupied properties on an even basis with a focus on operating costs and improving operational efficiency.

Compare performance of rented spaces on an even basis.

Benchmark occupancy costs for each category against published standards for these costs to see what occupancy costs are outside of the norm for your industry and building type. This information allows you to focus cost reduction efforts to the most likely practical areas for reduction.

For the given fiscal year and asset sum the values from the other comma-delimited columns specified in the AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-UpdateTCO-OccupancyCosts application parameter.

These columns default to:

Cost Category Metric Name (the metric's afm_metric_definitions.metric_name value).
Maintenance ops_Costs-Maintenance_an_fy
Custodial ops_Costs-Custodial_an_fy
Security ops_Costs-Security_an_fy
Other ops_Costs-Other_an_fy
Energy and Utilities ops_Costs-Utility_an_fy
Property Taxes ops_Costs-PropertyTaxes_an_fy
Rent Expense leas_Costs-Rent_an_fy
Costs - Direct Services (fy) work_Costs-DirectServices_an_fy

(fin_tc_occ_an_fy )

TCO-Ownership (fy)



Sums TCO-Occupancy costs along with income and depreciation on buildings, structures, capital improvements, and capital equipment.

Account for the total cost of owning a property, building, or equipment asset over its lifespan.

Evaluate leased / own decisions on an even basis.

Compare owned properties on an even basis to see what cost might be better aligned to the mission.

For the given fiscal year and asset, sum the values from the other columns specified in the AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-UpdateTCO-OwnershipCosts application parameter.

These columns default to the TCO-Occupancy (fy) columns plus:

Cost Category Metric Name ( metric's afm_metric_definitions.metric_name value).
Income fin_anlys_Income_an_fy
Depreciation fin_anlys_Depreciation_an_fy
Depreciation - Capital Projects fin_anlys_DepreciationCapProj_an_fy
Depreciation - Other PP&E fin_anlys_DepreciationPPE_an_fy

Note: The fin_anlys_Depreciation_an_fy covers the depreciation of the Building or Structure (i.e. a property that is a structure) itself. The separate CapProj and PPE analysis metrics include the depreciation of capital projects and equipment in that building or on that property.


TCO-Workpoint (fy)



Sums TCO - Ownership costs along with costs for financing, cost of capital employed, infrastructure including telecom infrastructure, and indirect services.

Compare Annual Worth for an annualized figure representing TCO over the entire lifecycle of the facility along with acquisition costs and disposal costs.

Analyze all costs for providing the facility, including financing costs.

Account for the true total cost to an organization for providing infrastructure, facility and real estate services to business units, inclusive of infrastructure, indirect services, financing, acquisition and disposal costs

For the given fiscal year and asset, sum the values from the other columns specified in the AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-UpdateTCO-WorkpointCosts application parameter.

These columns default to the TCO-Ownership (fy) columns plus:

Cost Category Metric Name
Costs - Indirect Services (fy) work_Costs-IndirectServices_an_fy
Interest (fy)


Financing Metrics

fin_anlys_RemainingMortgage_an Remaining Mortgage



The total mortgage yet to be paid in future years for current loans.

This figure included both the interest, which is included on the P&L, and the principal, which goes to the balance sheet.

Gauge outstanding liability associated with assets in use and on the balance sheet.

See Project and Equipment Costs.

For the given asset, for the given fiscal year and all later years that have Scheduled Costs or Recurring Costs for that asset, the application uses the Cash Flow Projection to sum the values from the Cost Categories specified in the AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis application parameters.

Sums up the appropriate parameter for each asset type:

  • CostCategory_PrincipalBuilding
  • CostCategory_PrincipalProperty
  • CostCategory_InterestBuilding
  • CostCategory_InterestProperty
fin_anlys_Interest_an_fy Interest (fy)



The total interest paid this fiscal year. Gauge the P&L expense for the asset.

For the given asset, for the given fiscal year, sum the values from the Cost Categories LIKE those specified in the AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis application parameters appropriate for each asset type. This parameter defaults to:



fin_anlys_Principal_an_fy Principal (fy)



The total principal paid this fiscal year. Gauge the net gain to the balance sheet for the asset.

Calculated as Interest, but uses these cost categories:



fin_anlys_Income_an_fy Income (fy)



The total income paid this fiscal year to this asset.

Gauge the income benefits of owning this asset, including sublet rent paid, ground floor retail rent paid, telecom fees, and CAM costs paid on owned buildings.

Calculated as Interest, but uses these cost categories:


Note: Only buildings and properties might have income. Include all Scheduled Costs of this category.

fin_anlys_CostOfCapital_an_fy Cost of Capital (fy)


Properties .

The cost of capital employed this year, valued using the Internal Cost of Capital. Gauge the opportunity cost of the money employed in the downpayment and in the principal payments for this asset.

Calculated as Interest, but uses these cost categories:



fin_anlys_Appreciation_an_fy Appreciation (fy)



The forecast appreciation of buildings or properties that have land.

Gauge the time-based benefit of holding this asset.

Calculated in the same way as Interest is calculated, but uses these cost categories:


Only Buildings with land and Properties that are land have appreciation.

The application includes all Scheduled Costs of this category.

 Note about depreciation calculations: Depreciation is charged equally for each year of the life of the asset, starting with the first day of the second fiscal year.
fin_anlys_Depreciation Depreciation (fy)



The calculated depreciation based on the property type of the building, structure, capital project, or capital equipment item.

Gauge the amount of equity that this particular building, structure, capital project or equipment item wrote down this year as consumed.

See Project and Equipment Costs

Calculated in a similar way as Interest is calculated, but uses these cost categories:



Note: This is the depreciation on the asset itself – the building structure (property).
We have a separate pair of metrics – Depreciation - Capital Projects (fy) and Depreciation - PPE (fy) – that roll up depreciation for projects and equipment to the building or property that contains them. But that is a separate analysis metric containing a separate sum that does not overlap with this metric.


fin_anlys_DepreciationCapProj_an_fy Depreciation - Capital Projects (fy)



The depreciation associated with all capital projects that are assigned to this building or this property.

This value is 0 for the capital projects themselves.

Gauge the amount of depreciation that occurred in capital projects that are tracked separately from the value of the building or property itself.

This value is equal to the sum of all Depreciation (fy) values for all capital projects for this building. Analysts can sort depreciation by building and map this value geographically to review the costs expended for capital projects at this location.

For the given asset, for the given fiscal year, the application sums the values from the Cost Categories LIKE those specified in the AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis application parameters:


Note: This metric applies only to buildings and properties. It sums the depreciation of the capital projects occurring in those buildings or on those properties.

fin_anlys_DepreciationPPE_an_fy Depreciation - PPE (fy)



The depreciation associated with all capital equipment that is assigned to this building or this property.

This value is 0 for the capital equipment items themselves.

Gauge the amount of depreciation that occurred in capital equipment that is tracked separately from the value of the building or property itself.

This value is equal to the sum of all Depreciation (fy) values for all capital equipment for this building. Analysts can sort depreciation by building and map this value geographically to review the costs expended for capital projects at this location.

The PPE metric works similarly, just with the following Cost Category:

Analysis Metric Activity Parameters


fin_anlys_MarketValue_an Market Value



The last estimated market value for this asset. Gauge the total value of this asset if sold.

For the given building, the application copies the value from bl.value_market.

For any given property, the application copies the value from property.value_market.

fin_anlys_BookValue_an Book Value





The depreciated book value for this asset.

Review the estimated accounting value of this asset on the books.

For the given asset, the application calculates the depreciated value as follows:

  1. Finds the finanal_params.cost_purchase for this asset.
  2. Finds the depreciation to date (to date = end of current fiscal year). It does so by using the Financial Analysis Parameters and the calculations in Forecast Capital Costs - Depreciation Calculations.
  3. Subtract the depreciation from the finanal_params.cost_purchase.

Note: If the asset's parameters for depreciation (for example, missing cost_purchase, planned_life, etc.) do not exist in finanal_params table, the depreciation and thus the metric cannot be calculated, and the Update Analysis Metric action updates this metric with the value zero for that asset and that Fiscal Year.

Note: The metric fin_anlys_BookValue_an uses the depreciation service to estimate the depreciation to the end of the current fiscal year, and does not use existing depreciation costs resulted from forecasting capital costs, such as the metric fin_anlys_Depreciation_an_fy.
When forecasting monthly depreciation costs using the Forecast Capital Costs, Archibus books the first monthly depreciation scheduled cost with a Date Due = the first day of the next month after the Date of Purchase.
For example: If Date of Purchase = 7/15/2015, the first monthly depreciation scheduled cost has a Date Due of 8/1/2015. As a consequence forecasted depreciation scheduled costs will be offset by 1 month compared to the depreciation service result (which assumes 12 months). Thus, if calculating the fin_anlys_BookValue_an for the first fiscal year, the app will use 12 months of depreciation, while if calculating fin_anlys_Depreciation_an_fy for buildings/ properties, the application sums 11 months of depreciation (11 scheduled costs.)

fin_anlys_MarketMinusBookValue_an Market Minus Book Value



The difference between the value of the asset on the market and the value of the asset on the balance sheet. Summing this value over sections of the portfolio indicates the amount of capital that could be freed for other purposes if that section were sold or sold and then leased back. For the current asset, the application subtracts the fin_anlys_BookValue_an from the fin_anlys_MarketValue_an
fin_anlys_RealEstateOpEx_an_fy OpEx (fy)






The operating expenses for this building or property.

Review the cost of operating this facility.

OpEx per Gross Area benchmarks the cost to normalized out building size. This measures how efficient your operations effort is overall. (For Buildings Only)

OpEx per Rentable Area benchmarks the cost to normalized out size of leasable area. This measures how efficient your operations effort is with respect to areas that you lease or that can be leased out. (For Buildings Only)

OpEx per Seat benchmarks the cost per available seat in this building. This measures how efficient your operation is per supported workspace area. (For Buildings Only)

These columns default to the TCO-Occupancy (fy) columns.


cap_AnnualWorth_an_fy Annual Worth

pga (per gross area)



Includes the total lifecycle cost of the asset normalized back to an annual value. These costs include occupancy, ownership, financing, infrastructure, acquisition and disposal costs.

To compare owned assets on an even basis, including all occupancy costs plus financing costs, given their entire lifetime.

This figure is often use to analyze construction and design costs and alternatives.

Annual Worth Per Gross Area prorates the cost so that buildings of different sizes can be compared on an even basis. (For Buildings Only)

For the given fiscal year and asset, the application gets the list of activity parameters specified in the AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-UpdateAnnualWorth application parameter.

The application:

  1. Expands the list into a list of Cost Categories.
  2. Uses the Cash Flow projection to project total costs for all cost categories for each year of the finanal_params.planned_life, starting with the Fiscal Year that ends the same year as the date_purchased.
  3. Sums the values for all years.
  4. Divides by the number of years in the planned_life.


Important: If the planned_life does not exist for the building or property, the Annual Worth (fy) cannot be calculated, and the Update Analysis Metric action updates this metric with the value zero for that building or property and that Fiscal Year.

See Project and Equipment Costs.




NPV (1 Year) Buildings Properties

The net-present value of the asset, given all expenses and income over the first year, first three years, or the entire lifetime.

Lifetime costs include acquisition, financing, disposition costs and salvage value.

Gauge the total return on holding the asset (or the total expense of using the asset if the value is negative). The value is expressed in present value (e.g. present-day worth of dollars, euros, etc.) so that you can compare investments, expenses, and income incurred in different time frames on an even basis.

Compare startup costs, initial costs, and lifetime benefits to gauge risks during different periods of ownership.

NPV (1 Year) presents return for the first year.

NPV (3 Year) presents return for the second year.

NPV (Lifetime) presents return over the Planned Life of the asset. (NB, this may be different than the depreciation period of the asset.)

Prerequisite: You have entered your organization's expected rate of return in the Application Parameter AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-DiscountRate.

For the given fiscal year and asset, the application:

  1. Gets the list of Activity parameters specified in the AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-UpdateNPV application parameter.
  2. Expands the list into a list of Cost Categories.
  3. Uses the Cash Flow projection to project total costs for all cost categories for each year of the finanal_params.planned_life, starting with the fiscal year ending the same year as the date_purchased. The result is an array with the net total income for each year (if the income was greater than the expenses), or net total expense for the year (if the expenses outweighed the income.)
  4. Adjusts each value in the array to the present value by dividing each value by the discount rate (AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-DiscountRate) + 1 raised to the power of the number of years since the date_purchased.

    For instance, if the discount rate is 0.04, the first year would be x / (1+0.04)^1, the second year x / (1+0.04)^2, the third year x / (1+0.04)^3, etc.

  5. Sums the values for all years.
  6. Subtracts finanal_params.purchase_price. (No need to discount the purchase price, as it occurs in "today's" dollars.)

Important: The calculation is from the "date purchased" rather than the current date. This is appropriate, as the metric is of primary use for comparing investments made today and going forward. Analysis of performance on past investments can use one of the annualized metrics to calculate performance for any period of years. The one consequence is that the "present value" is the value as of the Date Purchased (or planned to be purchased) not as of the current date.

Important: This calculation is of a regular analysis metric that returns a single value. That value happens to concern performance over the lifecycle. That is to say, this metric is not calculated as "lifecycle analysis metric" since it results in a single value rather than one value per each year of the planned life of the building.

The metrics below are similar. These are both of calculation order "1 - Base Analysis Value".

Analysis Metric



Project costs for 1 year from purchase_date, not the lifetime.


Project costs for 3 years from purchase_dae, not the lifetime

See Project and Equipment Costs.



IRR (1 Year)



The internal rate of return for the asset, given all expenses and income over the first year, first three years, or the entire lifetime.

Gauge the return during different periods in the asset's lifetime. This value is useful for buildings or properties that generate income. For occupied properties that do not generate any income, the NPV calculation may be more useful.

IRR (3 Year) presents return for the second year.

IRR (Lifetime) presents return over the Planned Life of the asset You must have at least one positive and one negative cash flow year for the asset to calculate the rate of return.


The application

  1. Uses the Cash Flow projection to total net Building or Property costs for each year of the Planned Life (finanal_params.planned_life) starting from the Date Purchased (finanal_params.date_purchased).
  2. For total costs, the application considers all the costs in the list of Cost Categories in the AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-UpdateNPV application parameter.
  3. Subtracts finanal_params.purchase_price from the first year.
  4. Verifies that there is at least one year that has a negative return (the investment) and one year with a positive return (the payback). If not, use 0.0 as the result (which is actually undefined.)
  5. Passes this array of double values to the irr() function as the first parameter. Use 0.05 as the second parameter (the "guess" at the result to speed the calculation.)

See Project and Equipment Costs.

cap_CapitalProjects-Approved_an_fy Capital Projects (fy)



The total value of all capital projects in this building or property for this fiscal year that are approved or have a 90% or better probability of being funded. (Buildings and Properties Only)

Gauge how well the facility is doing compared to the target capital renewal rate for the building or structure. If the value is less than the target renewal rate, the facility is likely degrading in its ability to support the mission.

(This value is 0 for the capital projects themselves to avoid double-counting projects. Also, if a project is assigned to both a building and a property, it is summed to the property. In this way, if you sum all Asset Scorecard records within a region or other filtered subset of the scorecard, you can sum all projects that are assigned to buildings or properties without any duplication).

For buildings or properties, the application:

  1. Sums the scheduled costs for the buildings or property that have Cost Category LIKE CostCategory_CapitalProjectAll that have a Date Due within the current fiscal year. (These are the costs that Aggregate Operating Expense summarizes from Approved, Issued, Completed, and Closed projects for this fiscal year).
  2. If a project is assigned to both a building and a property, sums these costs to the building only. Doing so avoids double counting the project.
  3. If the result is zero (that is, if the site is not using Action Items to record project costs), then the application sums the Budgeted Cost (project.cost_budget) for all projects that are Approved, Issued, Completed or Closed (that is, project.status LIKE 'Approved%', 'Issued%', 'Completed%' or 'Closed%'), are assigned to the building or project (that is, with project.bl_id=<current building>), and Requested Start Date (project.date_start) is within the current fiscal year.

Notes: The analysis sums projects to the building or property to evaluate capital renewal ratios. To evaluate the cost of projects in the Financial Analysis Asset Scorecard or Asset Map, the application uses the fin_anlys_BookValue_an for the Project.
The Capital Projects - Approved (fy) does not add project costs to both buildings and the projects themselves, so that if you sum the Capital Projects - Approved (fy) column, projects are not double counted.
The analysis charges projects to the year they start, even if they occur over multiple years. Sites wishing to schedule multi-year project costs and their financing can do so with the Forecast Capital Costs feature.



Planned Capital Projects

Planned Capital Projects (lifetime)



The total value of all planned capital projects in this building or property for the next year or for the lifetime of the facility. (Buildings and Properties Only)

Gauge how well the facility is doing compared to the target capital renewal rate for the building or structure in the coming years. If the value is less than the target renewal rate, the facility is likely degrading in its ability to support the mission.

(This value is 0 for the capital projects themselves to avoid double-counting projects. Also, if a project is assigned to both a building and a property, it is summed to the property. In this way, if you sum all Asset Scorecard records within a region or other filtered subset of the scorecard, you can sum all projects that are assigned to buildings or properties without any duplication).


For buildings and projects, the application:

SELECT SUM(IF project.cost_est_baseline = 0.0 THEN project.cost_est_baseline ELSE project.cost_budget ) for all projects that are not Requested or (i.e. project.status NOT LIKE 'Requested%'), are assigned to the building or property (that is,. with project.bl_id=<current building>), and have a Requested Start Date (project.date_start) within three years of the first day of the current fiscal year.

Note: This query first looks at the cost_est_baseline, which the project management activity updates from Action Item records (if the site has developed them for this project) with the Estimate Baseline Costs calculation. If the site does not use Action Items but instead just enters a Budgeted Cost (cost_budget) for the project, the calculation uses that value.


This calculation works similarly to the calculation for Capital Projects Planned (3 Years), but includes all projects with a project.date_start greater than or equal to the first day of the current fiscal year.

ops_ExpensedProjects-Approved_an_fy Expensed Projects - Approved (fy)



The total value of all expensed project tasks this fiscal year for this building or property. (Buildings and Properties Only)

Gauge the cost of expensed maintenance.

This calculation works similarly to the calculation for cap_CapitalProjects-Approved_an_fy; however, it uses Cost Category LIKE CostCategory_ExpensedProjectAll.
ops_FacilityConditionIndex_percent_an_fy FCI (%)





The cost of outstanding maintenance on an asset needed to bring it up to 100% capacity divided by the cost of that asset.

Gauge the state of repair of an asset or facility with respect to its ability to support the mission.

Note: You must use the Condition Assessment application and/or mobile app to accurately measure your outstanding capital liabilities in relation to the cost of the facility.

For all activity_log_items that have activity_type = 'ASSESSMENT' and that are assigned to this asset that is, that have activity_log_items.pr_id, bl_id, project_id or eq_id assigned to this asset),

the application calculates ${sql.getFormula("AbCapitalPlanningCA-FacilityConditionIndex")}/100

Note: The analysis may use the same assessment item for multiple assets (for example, properties, buildings, projects and/or equipment). This is because the same item can be part of evaluating multiple scopes. The analysis uses planned Action Items and not planned and historic items – that is, all Action Items (activity_log_hactivity_log) – because the measure is of defects or work yet to be done, and not work that has been done.

For reference, the application preference AbCapitalPlanningCA-FacilityConditionIndex has a default value of "(1000 * ( activity_log.cost_estimated + activity_log.cost_est_cap) / ${sql.replaceZero('activity_log.cost_to_replace')})"

proj_Projects_Schedule_Variance_cng_an Schedule Variance (%) Projects

The percentage month to month change in the number of days duration a project is estimated to take. (Projects Only)

Use this as an alert to any projects that have a schedule risk.

For the current building (afm_metric_trend_values.collect_by_value=<building>), the application queries the most recent record's afm_metric_trend_values.metric_value for spac_Vacancy_percent_monthly. It then queries the previous month's value, and calculates the percentage changes as ( this month - last month ) / (last month) * 100.

You use the Projects application to track your project execution.

proj_Projects_Budget_Variance_cng_an Budget Variance (%) Projects The percentage month to month change in the estimated cost of a project. (Projects Only)

Use this as an alert to any projects that have a budget risk.

The application queries the most recent value from Project Variance (proj_ProjectScheduleVariance_monthly) tracking metric for this project_id from the afm_metric_trend_values table.

Expense Metrics

ops_Costs-Maintenance_an_fy Costs - Maintenance (fy)

pga (per gross area)



Cost of on demand and preventive maintenance.

Use this metric and its prorated values to review budgets for this category of expense and compare buildings against each other and against industry benchmarks.

These metrics are calculated similarly to the Interest (fy) metric, only they sum from different cost categories.

These metrics apply only to Buildings and Properties.

The following describes the cost categories used:

Metric Title Metric Name Activity Parameter
Costs - Maintenance (fy) ops_Costs-Maintenance_an_fy AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-CostCategory_MaintenanceAll
ops_Costs-Custodial_an_fy ops_Costs-Custodial_an_fy AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-CostCategory_CustodialAll
ops_Costs-Security_an_fy Costs - Security (fy) AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-CostCategory_SecurityAll
ops_Costs-Utility_an_fy Costs - Utility (fy) AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-CostCategory_UtilityAll
ops_Costs-PropertyTaxes_an_fy Costs - Taxes (fy) AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-CostCategory_TaxAll
ops_Costs-Other_an_fy Costs - Other (fy) AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-CostCategory_MiscAll
work-Costs-DirectServices_an_fy Costs - Direct Services (fy) AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-CostCategory_DirectServicesAll
work_Costs-IndirectServices_an_fy Costs - Indirect Services (fy)


ops_Costs-Custodial_an_fy Costs - Custodial (fy)

pra (per rentable area)



Janitorial and custodial costs.

Use this metric and its prorated values to review budgets for this category of expense and compare buildings against each other and against industry benchmarks.
ops_Costs-Security_an_fy Costs - Security (fy)

pra (per rentable area)



Security expenses. Use this metric and its prorated values to review budgets for this category of expense and compare buildings against each other and against industry benchmarks.
ops_Costs-Utility_an_fy Costs - Utility (fy)




Electrical, gas, water and other utility expenses.

Use this metric and its prorated values to review budgets for this category of expense and compare buildings against each other and against industry benchmarks.

ops_Costs-PropertyTaxes_an_fy Costs - Property Taxes

pra (per rentable area)



Property taxes. Use this metric and its prorated values to review budgets for this category of expense and compare buildings against each other and against industry benchmarks.
ops_Costs-Other_an_fy Costs - Other (fy)

pra (per rentable area)



Other operating costs, such as administration cost, that are not captured by other categories.

Use this metric and its prorated values to review budgets for this category of expense and compare buildings against each other and against industry benchmarks.

work-Costs-DirectServices_an_fy Costs - Direct Services (fy)


(per rentable area)



Cost for Service Desk services that are directly tied to providing the facility.

Use this metric and its prorated values to review budgets for this category of expense and compare buildings against each other and against industry benchmarks.
work_Costs-IndirectServices_an_fy Costs - Indirect Services (fy)

pra (per rentable area)



Costs for Service Desk and other services – such as gym, cafeteria, day care, dry cleaning, etc. – that are staff services not directly tied to the facility per se. Use this metric and its prorated values to review budgets for this category of expense and compare buildings against each other and against industry benchmarks.

Lease Metrics

leas_Costs-RemainingCommitment_an Remaining Lease Commitment



Remaining cost of all lease payments if the lease contract goes to term.

Describes the total remaining contractual commitment. Represents an amount that may be required to be capitalized under future ISAB or FASB rules.

For the given asset, for the given fiscal year and all years that have Scheduled Cost or Recurring Cost data in this category and asset, the application uses the Cash Flow Projection to sum the values from the Cost Categories LIKE those in the AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-CostCategory_RentAll application parameter. This parameter defaults to: RENT%
leas_Costs-Rent_an_fy Rent (fy)

pra, (per rentable area)

perseat (per seat)



Rental costs. Use this metric and its prorated values to review budgets for this category of expense and compare buildings against each other and against industry benchmarks.

This metric is calculated similarly to the Interest (fy) metric, only the application sums using different cost categories.

Metric Title Metric Name Activity Parameter Default Cost Categories
Rent (fy) leas_Costs-Rent_an_fy AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis-CostCategory_RentAll


This metric applies only to buildings and properties.

Occupancy Metrics

occ_OccupantsMax_an Max. Occupants Buildings The maximum number of occupants a facility can have at one time.

Used to gauge total capacity and prorate personnel-support expenses by the number of personnel that expense serves.

The application copies this value from bl.count_max_occup
occ_Occupants_an Occupants Buildings Number of occupants actually in the building.

Used to review total capacity, ability to absorb growth, or ability to consolidate.

The application copies the value from bl.count_em

Can be estimated. or updated from Space Inventory, if that application is in use.

occ_Occupancy_percent_an Occupancy (%)

per occup,

per seat


Ratio of current occupancy to maximum occupancy. Used to review efficiency of space allocation and ability to absorb change. Ratios under 95% can be improved. Ratios above 95% are too tight and tend to retard business' agility in reorganizing project teams around the organizational mission.

occ_Occupants_an / occ_OccupantsMax_an

Space Metrics

spac_Vacancy_percent_an Vacancy (%)


Measured vacancy of space from Occupancy application. Used to review efficiency of space.

You must use the Occupancy application, the mobile app to perform field surveys, and optionally the Service Desk application to process space and move requests in order to accurately gauge vacancy.

This is calculated as the spac_VacantArea_an / spac_area_usable.

spac_Vacancy_Variance_cng_an Vacancy Variance (%)


Change in vacancy from the prior month according to the Occupancy application.

Used to review if there were any changes in circumstances that require immediate action.

You must use the Occupancy application, the mobile app to perform field surveys, and optionally the Service Desk application to process space and move requests in order to accurately gauge vacancy.

For the current building (afm_metric_trend_values.collect_by_value=<building>), the application queries the most recent record's afm_metric_trend_values.metric_value for spac_Vacancy_percent_monthly. It also queries the previous month's value. Calculates the percentage changes as ( this month - last month ) / (last month) * 100.

spac_VacantArea_an Vacant Area Buildings

Total vacant area available for repurposing.

Use to respond to new calls for space or to propose changes to consolidate space and free unused leases and buildings.

You must use the Space Inventory application, the mobile app, and optionally the Service Desk application to process space and move requests in order to accurately gauge vacant area.

The application uses the following calculation:


cap_em > 0

AND rm_cat IS NOT NULL AND rm_cat in (SELECT rm_cat from rmcat WHERE occupiable = 1)

AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM em WHERE em.bl_id = rm.bl_id AND em.fl_id = rm.fl_id AND em.rm_id = rm.rm_id)

AND bl_id=<this building>

Building Values and Measures

spac_bl_AreaInternalGross_an Int. Gross Area Buildings

Total interior gross area of the building.

Used to gauge size of building and compare maintenance, utility and capital renewal budgets on an even basis between buildings of different size.

The values below are copied from the associated field in the buildings table. In terms of calculation order, these are all of type "1 - Base Analysis Value".

Metric Title Metric Name Applies To Value Copied From
Int. Gross Area spac_bl_AreaInternalGross_an Buildings bl.area_gross_int
Rentable Area spac_bl_AreaRentable_an Buildings bl.area_rentable
Usable Area spac_bl_AreaUsable_an Buildings bl.area_usable
Criticality spac_criticality_an Buildings bl.criticality
Use spac_Use_an Buildings or Properties bl.use1 property.use1
Status spac_Status_an Buildings or Properties bl.status property.status

Current Year Minus the year of the Date Built (bl.date_bl) for the current building

spac_bl_AreaRentable_an Rentable Area Buildings Total rentable area of the building, including common areas.

Used to gauge rentable area and compare costs on an even basis for rent, custodial, security and other categories of cost.

spac_bl_AreaUsable_an Usable Area Buildings Total usable area of the building within suites.

Used to plan functional area to be allocated to staff and conferencing space.

spac_criticality_an Criticality Buildings

The importance of the asset to the mission. This is a combination of its significance to the line business and uniqueness of the facility.

Used to gauge which assets or leases must be maintained to ensure continued pursuit of the mission. Assets which have secondary purposes or which can be replaced by similar buildings or leases in the same region have a lower criticality.
spac_BuildingAge_an Building Age (Years) Buildings Age of the building. Used to weigh capital decisions, particularly concerning buildings with a low FCI, as buildings nearing the end of their useful life may be more practicably rebuilt or resold than updated.
spac_Use_an Use



The building use, for example, office, lab, manufacturing, warehouse.

Use to group buildings and properties by like type to estimate costs against facilities delivering similar kinds of space and estimate mission criticality against redundant capacity you may have in the same region.

spac_Status_an Status



The status of the building, for example: Owned, Leased, Owned and Leased, Sold

Use to evaluate metrics in terms of the purpose or status of an asset in the portfolio.

  • Metrics on leased assets focus on rental costs.
  • Owned properties focus on capital costs