Real Property / Strategic Financial Analysis

Background Data Process: Web Central Tasks

As the business process owner, you use the Real Property / Strategic Financial Analysis / Background Data process available from Web Central to define the cost classification and account information you will need for working with Strategic Financial Analysis. You may have already developed some of this data when working with other Archibus applications.

Note: In addition to developing background data using Web Central, you may need to use the Smart Client and Smart Client Extensions for AutoCAD. See Strategic Financial Analysis: Smart Client Tasks and Draw Site Plans.

The following tasks are available from Web Central:

Task Description
Define Chart of Account (COA) Sources When using the Strategic Financial Analysis application, you can use this task to map financial Chart of Accounts (COA) to Archibus Cost Categories for integrating finance data.
Define Accounts Hierarchy Define accounts, associate them with COA, and optionally create an account hierarchy system.
Define Accounts Review or export your accounts.
Define Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year start date for the financial calculations used in reports, and in the Financial Analysis Console.

Define Cost Classes Cost Categories are used for grouping and summarizing costs for reporting, for the costs generated from the Financial Analysis Console, and for chargeback. Cost categories are associated with cost classes that roll up cost categories to more general groupings. You first define a cost class and then add cost categories for it.
Define Cost Categories The Strategic Financial Analysis application uses cost categories when it creates cost records for forecasts, and when it sums costs from specific cost categories when calculating analysis metrics.
Define Cost Categories by Cost Classes Cost Categories are used for grouping and summarizing costs for reporting, for the costs generated from the Financial Analysis Console, and for chargeback. Cost categories are associated with cost classes that roll up cost categories to more general groupings. You first define a cost class and then add cost categories for it.
Define Problem Types Associate cost categories with problem types. The Strategic Financial Analysis application then uses this cost category to create scheduled cost records when you run the Aggregate Operating Expenses action. This enables the application to aggregate costs from work requests and service desk requests, and present this data in the Financial Analysis Console.
Define Action Types Associate action types with a cost category. The Strategic Financial Analysis application then uses this cost category to create scheduled cost records when you run the Aggregate Operating Expenses action. This enables the application to aggregate costs from project action items, and to present this data in the Financial Analysis Console.
Define Geographical Locations Define the geographic locations you want to use in your financial analyses.
Reconcile Enterprise Assets

This task enables you to use the Archibus Connectors to import asset data from other systems used by your enterprise, so that it can be used in Archibus applications, such as the Strategic Financial Analysis Console.