Getting Results with Archibus


Regardless of the type of business you are in -- hospital, manufacturing plant, scientific research site, corporate office, or university -- your operations generate waste. Whether this waste is hazardous, medical, output from a manufacturing process, or even paper, as a good corporate citizen your company will want to store and dispose of it properly.

The Archibus Waste application helps you categorize your waste and manage all processes of the waste cycle (generation, accumulation, storage, and disposition). It answers such questions as:

With the Waste application, you can manage waste and categorize it according to your company's reporting needs. For example, you can sort your waste by type (hazardous, municipal, residual), by destination (disposal, recycling, discharge), by internal category, by business operation, and more. Additionally, the application produces container labels and waste manifest forms required for transporting hazardous waste.

The Waste application works with both hazardous and non-hazardous waste. For information on the ways that other Archibus applications support the management of hazardous materials, see Managing Hazardous Materials with Archibus Applications.



This is available in both Archibus SaaS and the Archibus non-SaaS offering.

  • Sustainability & Risk / Waste

Business Result

Meet waste reduction goals.

Decrease the risk of fines or litigation from non-compliance with government regulations.

Improve site safety by properly managing the generation, accumulation, and disposal of hazardous waste.

Used By

Environmental Sustainability Managers

Compliance Officers

Facility Managers

Marketing Managers

Business Process Owners

Reasons for Automating

Produce a complete waste audit of all phases of the waste cycle: generation, accumulation, storage, shipment or emission, and final processing. The audit tracks waste from point of production until custody has been legally transferred to another entity.

Track the quantities of solid, liquid, or gaseous waste in any system of units.

Create labels that have critical information for transport of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

Generate waste manifests (official documents for the transport and acceptance of hazardous waste), and track waste manifests to the point of receipt from the party accepting official custody of the waste.

Comply with regulations pertaining to the timing, quantity, and transfer of waste.

Prerequisite Applications



Waste Storage Summary

Hazardous Waste Storage

Waste Shipments

Waste Discharges

Recently Shipped/Discharged Waste

Waste Shipment Finder

Waste Profiles by Category

Waste Profiles by Regulated Code

Waste Container Labels

Waste Manifest

Waste Amounts in Date Range

Waste Amounts by Category

Waste Summary

Waste Totals by Category

Waste Totals by Category and Handler

Waste Management Map

Applications Using the Results of this Application Waste provides accurate data for carbon footprint calculations and sustainability scores that can be used by the Green Building application.

The following users are typically involved in managing waste practices and analyzing and using waste data.



Environmental Sustainability Manager

Reports on waste output metrics that feed into LEED or other sustainability certification or performance requirements.

Measures progress in waste reduction and recycling improvement.

Compliance Officer

Compares actual emissions to permit levels.

Verifies completion of all waste shipments and automates the production and return of required manifest documents.

Facility Manager

Records all waste-related process data, including waste storage, waste shipments discharges or releases, and waste manifests.

Marketing Manager Uses the data provided by the Waste application to promote the organization's environmental efforts and good corporate citizenship.
Business Process Owner Updates or defines basic data such as departments, divisions, buildings, and rooms, as well as waste disposal conventions so that this data is available as choices for users completing forms over the Web.