Archibus OnSite

Compare OnSite and the Maintenance Mobile App

OnSite offers the following features. Future versions will address many of the other features offered by the Maintenance mobile app.

Feature OnSite Maintenance Mobile App
Unlimited Documents​ V1​ No​
Activity Feed​ V1​ No​
Call/Message/Email​ V1​ No​
Equipment Details​ V1​ No​
Maintenance History​ V1​ No​
Offline Support ​ V1 - live connect/pull to refresh/cached​​ Yes - manual sync/persistent​
Labor Hour Logging​

V1 – Manual

Yes – Manual &Timer​
Localization V2 Yes
Checklist V2 Yes
Configurability V3 No
Tablets V3 Yes
Parts No Yes
My Requests No Yes
Tools No Yes
Estimates No Yes
Scheduling Labor No Yes