Archibus SaaS / Reservations
Workplace Services / Reservations

Setting Up Email Notifications

The Archibus Reservations application and module have been configured so that email notifications are sent at various times throughout the workflow. Email notifications are sent when:

Note: If you are using the Archibus Extension for Microsoft Exchange, the application handles notifications only for overdue approvals. All other notifications are handled by the Exchange Server. So, with Exchange integration, you perform the setup described in this topic only for overdue approval notifications. See Email Notifications.

Note: This topic does not apply to requests for working space (hotelable rooms).

You must do the following in order for email notification to work:

Configure your Web Application Server

Before email notifications can be sent, your Web Application Server must be configured to send emails. For details, see Email Notifications for Archibus Applications and Modules.

Configure the Meeting Space Reservations Email Parameters

Select the Manage Reservations / Configure Parameters task to configure three email parameters. First, you must configure the SendEmailNotifications parameter, which specifies whether or not you want email notifications to be sent. Also configure the InternalServicesEmail parameter value, which specifies the email address that will appear as the sender in the email notifications that are sent to the Requested By and Requested for employees. (The other invited employees and external guests will see the Requested By email address as the sender.) Also configure the InternalServicesName parameter value that will appear at the end of email notifications. You also have the option to configure additional parameters. For more information, see Configuring Parameters.

Update the Users and Employees Tables

Make sure that all users have an up-to-date email address specified in the Users table and Employees table. A user's email address must be the same in both the Users table and Employees table. See Defining Users and Defining Employees.

See Also

Working with Email Notifications for Meeting Spaces

  • Configuring the Archibus Extension for Microsoft Exchange in System Management Help