Archibus SaaS / Leases / Background Data - Facilities
Real Property / Portfolio / Background Data

Define Counties

If you maintain county data, you can associate it with land and structures using the Define Counties task. You can use county data to record taxes that the county assesses. County data is not part of the geographic hierarchy required to view KPI charts.

To define counties:

  1. Select the Define Counties task.
  2. If necessary, review the existing counties using the Smart Search console and the Index bar.
  3. Click Add New.
  4. Enter the following required fields. For the country, region, and state, you will choose from existing values. For information on developing these values, see Developing Geographic Locations.
  5. Field Description
    County Name Enter the name of the county.
    County Code Enter a unique identifier for the county
    State Code Select the state for the county
    Region Code Regions represent geographic areas of countries and are identified by Country Code + Region Code.
    Country Code When you select a Region Code, the Country Code is filled in
  6. Click Save.