Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio

Lease Classification Analysis Console

Use the Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Classification Analysis Console (ab-repm-fasb-classification-analysis-console.axvw) to view important data about all of your lease classifications at one time. Whereas the Lease Classification Wizard presents values for only the selected lease, this console presents all leases so that you can easily compare values.

The console presents the following tabs so that you can focus on these values for your all of your leases:

For example, you can use the Fair Market Value Analysis tab to scan your values for Fair Market Value of Building and the related ratios.

The Lease Classification Analysis Console presents the values that were calculated the last time that you classified a lease using the Lease Classification Wizard; the Analysis Console does not make these calculations upon loading.

For each lease, you can access its classification audit log. On the Lease Classification Analysis tab, locate a lease and select the Audit button. The Console displays the Audit Log in a pop-up window.

The Console displays all leases, but you can use the filter to focus this list to a selected set. You can then compare the values for this set of leases. Complete the desired fields in the Filter console, and click Filter. To reset the filter, click Clear to return the filter to its default setting, and then click Filter to apply this setting.