Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Extension for Lease Accounting

Concept: Finance Leases and Operating Leases

Under the FASB ASC 842 and IASB IFRS 16 standards, leases classify as either:

The total cash outflow for finance and operating leases are identical. However, under FASB 842 and IFRS 16 guidance, expense recognition for finance leases is front-loaded to reflect the declining interest expense over the term of the lease.

Finance Leases

Finance leases generally apply to something other than real property, such as tangible personal property (vehicles, machinery, air craft, and other equipment). An arrangement is a finance lease if any of the following conditions exist:

In finance leases, the following is capitalized:

The following expenses do not need to be included:

Operating Leases

All other leases are classified as operating leases, with costs presented as lease expense and recognized on a straight-line basis in the income statement over the lease term. This produces an expense recognition pattern that is similar to operating leases under current U.S. GAAP.

The vast majority of leases for retailers, healthcare providers, and office tenants fall under operating leases.

Note: IASB and FASB differ in this regard. Instead of the dual approach favored by FASB, IASB classifies all leases using as financing.

When to Classify Leases

You typically classify leases to determine if they are operating leases or finance leases in these situations: