Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Extension for Lease Accounting

Concept: IASB Retrospective Methods

IASB offers multiple methods for implementing the IFRS 16. Organizations must apply the same full or modified retrospective approach to all leases.

Full Retrospective Method

Under the full retrospective approach, companies apply the new standard retrospectively in accordance with IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimate and Errors. This approach

Modified Retrospective Method

 There are two approaches for the modified retrospective method:

Specifying the Retrospective Method

To specify the method that the Lease Classification Wizard will use:

  1. Set the IFRS16_RetrospectiveApproach application parameter. If you set this parameter to Full, the Lease Classification Wizard displays a value of "Full" for the IASB Retrospective Method field on the Step 1 tab of the Wizard, and the field is non-editable. This setting applies to all leases.
  2. If you set this parameter to Modified, for each lease you must complete the IASB Retrospective Method field on the Wizard's Step 1 tab. Choose between:
    • Modified Option 1 ROU - As if IFRS 16 always applied.
    • Modified Option 2 ILL - Based on Remaining Lease Liability