Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Operational Reports
Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Management Reports

Compliance Program Map

The Compliance Program Map report provides a comprehensive picture of compliance status world-wide. The report provides a map view with both a drill-down list and Filter console to enable you to restrict the view to the locations you want to review. The map includes marker symbols over locations containing compliance programs. These markers are color-coded to show areas by critical factors, such as compliance levels, enabling you to quickly evaluate compliance by location and to assess areas of concern.

This report applies to both compliance program-related and contract-related records. The view does not include items that are Completed, Completed-Verified, or Closed.

The map enables you to get more details in the following ways:


To view programs on the map, the following are required:

How the Filter Determines the Compliance Level

When you enter a Compliance Level in the Filter, note the following:

Marker Symbol Selections

You can make the following selections for the markers symbols to control what is shown

  • For example, suppose you make the following selections:

    Suppose also that there are 10 programs that match the Filter at a particular County, that only one program has a Compliance Level of "0", and two programs have a Compliance Level of "1." In this case, the Compliance Level of the county would be "1" because Level "0" represents only 10% of the programs in the county that match the Filter. Since 10% is below the threshold of 20%, Level "1" is used.