Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Compliance Program Manager

Assigning Notification Templates for Compliance: Overview

To ensure that recurring events are completed on time and are not missed, you can associate email notification templates with:

Notification templates specify the message and subject line, recipients, and triggering conditions that determine when the email is sent. For example, you could use notification templates that inform stakeholders when critical dates for events are upcoming, or when events are missed or overdue.

Your Business Process Owner for Compliance can define frequently-used notification templates that are available for you to assign to specific program, requirements, contracts, and contract terms as needed. The Business Process Owner can also assign universal templates to be used for all items even if other templates are assigned to them. If needed, the Compliance Program Manager can define additional notification templates.

Using notification templates is an optional feature, but is a way to ensure communication to stakeholders for critical event dates. and to identify missed and overdue events, that put you at the greatest risk for noncompliance.

As the Compliance Program Manager you have several ways of working with notification templates; the following sections of this topic provide an overview of the various ways:

Assigning Notification Templates - Process Overview

The following describes the general process that the Compliance Program Manager follows when working with notification templates:

  1. Review the universal templates: If the Business Process Owner for Compliance has set up universal templates that are applied automatically to all compliance programs and their requirements, you can review these templates to assess whether further notifications are needed. See Viewing the Universal Templates.
  2. Copy existing notification templates to create new templates: If you need a notification template that differs slightly from an existing template, you can use the Copy As New feature to quickly define the new template. See Creating New Notification Templates Based on Existing Templates.
  3. Define notification templates for compliance programs, requirements, contracts, and contract terms: If an item needs a different notification than the templates your Business Process Owner for Compliance has defined, you can create new notification templates when working with compliance programs and their requirements. See Adding New Notification Templates for Compliance Programs, Contracts, Contract Terms, and Requirements.
  4. Assign existing notification templates to compliance programs, requirements, contracts, and contract terms: Your Business Process Owner for Compliance might have defined additional templates that are not designated as universal templates, but that are available for assignment as the Compliance Program Manager sees fit. These templates are useful for situations that frequently occur. Using them can save you the time of creating a new template. See Assigning or Unassigning Existing Notifications for a Compliance Program, Requirement, Contract, or Contract Term
  5. Bulk assign notification templates to programs and requirements: You can review all compliance programs and requirements assigned to a notification template, and bulk assign notifications to multiple elements. This is the quickest way to assign notifications to multiple records at once. This feature is not available for contracts and contract terms. See Bulk Assigning Notification Templates.
  6. Activate/Deactivate Notification Templates when generating scheduled events: When you generate events for a requirement or contract term, you can select Yes or No for the Activate Notifications? field. This setting determines whether or not email notifications associated with the event's compliance program or requirement will be added to each generated event. See Generating Scheduled Events for Requirements and Contract Terms.
  7. Create notifications when manually adding an event: If a requirement or contract term does not follow a regularly occurring schedule, you can manually add the event, rather than generating it from a recurring schedule. When you manually add an event, you can select whether or not to create notifications for the event by setting the Create Notifications? field to Yes or No. See Adding and Editing Events for a Requirement or Contract Term.
  8. Review all compliance programs or requirements assigned to a notification: To assess whether there are notifications that are not assigned to a program or requirement, and to evaluate which programs are assigned, you can select a template and see all its assignments. See Manage Notification Templates task / Viewing All Compliance Programs and Requirements for a Template.
  9. Unassign notifications for a compliance program or requirement: Sometimes a notification is no longer applicable for a specific element. In these cases, you can unassign it. See Manage Notification Templates task / Unassigning Notification Templates.

Overview of Tasks

The following table summarizes the tasks you can use to manage notification templates:

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Review all compliance programs and requirements assigned to a notification template, and unassign individual notifications that are no longer applicable.

Bulk assign notifications to multiple compliance programs and requirements. (This is the quickest way to assign notifications to multiple records at once.)

Note that you do not work with notification templates for contracts and contract terms from the Manage Notification Templates task.

Manage Notification Templates

Managing Notification Templates

Bulk Assigning Notification Templates

Define new notification template for a compliance program or contract

Manage Compliance Programs

Manage Contracts

Adding New Notification Templates

Define new notification templates for a requirement or contract term.

Manage Compliance Requirements

Manage Contract Terms

Activate or deactivate notification for events that
  • are active (that is, the Event Status is Scheduled, In Progress, In Process - On Hold, Canceled, or Stopped).
  • Manage Compliance Event Notifications Adding and Removing Notifications for Events
    Activate or deactivate notification templates for one-time events. These events have the Do Not Reschedule field set to Yes.

    Manage Non-Recurring Events

    Activate or deactivate specific notification templates for missed or overdue events.

    Manage Missed or Overdue Events

    Activate or deactivate notifications for any generated event, or for a non-recurring event that was manually entered. Also, from this task, you can work with an event having any Event Status. Manage All Compliance Events