Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Getting Started

Getting Started: Scheduling Recurring Compliance Requirements and Contract Terms

Once you have entered requirements and contract terms, you can generate scheduled events for them. Schedule events have a Date Scheduled Start, Date Scheduled End, and Date Completion Required based on the recurring schedule you enter for the requirement. You can also enter the Responsible Person, providing the information you need to track and manage the event to completion.

Role/Task Description Help Topics
Compliance Program Manager

Manage Compliance Requirements

Generate Events for your requirements and contract terms by entering a recurring schedule.

About Generating Scheduled Events

Managing Events: Overview

Generating Scheduled Events

Show Compliance Events Calendar

View and manage all events and their status by week, month, or year. Select to highlight the events by event status, requirement priority, or requirement type.

The Compliance Events Calendar

Schedule Compliance Events

Adjust the schedule for events. Rescheduling Events
Compliance Program Coordinator

View My Events Calendar

View and manage events and their status by week, month, or year that are assigned to you; that is, you are entered as the Responsible Person for the event, the event's location, requirement, or compliance program. View Your Events Calendar
Operational Reports

Generate Operational reports

Compliance Events Calendar - Easy real-time scheduling, monitoring, and reporting of compliance activities.

Compliance Events Finder - Find an event regardless of age or status. Overdue and missed events are highlighted in red.

Operational Reports: Overview

See Also

Managing All Compliance Events