Assets / Enterprise Assets

List of Assets by Custodian Report

The List of Assets by Custodian report is available from the Reports button on the following consoles. For information on the Reports button, see Reports for Enterprise Assets and Assets.

Use this report to see all the assets for which a party is an owner custodian and non-owner custodian. The report also includes items for which the party was formerly an owner custodian. For example, in the below image, Joanne Ambers is currently the custodian for several assets, but was formerly the owner custodian for Building AB (Custodian Status is Inactive). The Custodian Type value shows the items for which she is owner custodian (Type is set to Owner), as well as the items for which she is a non-owner custodian (Custodian Type is non Owner).

For information on working with this report's filter, see Assign Custodians to Assets, which uses the same filter as this report.